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Vancouver Wolves S97 Awards


Let me start with saying something that I think we are all thinking right now; Why is it always the F***ing Bears!!! I never understood the GM that walks up to the podium and congratulates the team the beat them the previous season just before drafting a prospect that hopefully will kick the ass of the team that you just congratulated. I guess it would be okay if you weren’t a play-off team but I say F*** the Champion if it isn`t us!! And might I add why is this off season taking so blood long? Let get on with new season so that we can recover from our devastating loss in the first round already. It like having a Bear eat us a live or someone sitting just continuously poking at the wound just to be annoying!! Ugh!!



Okay, We are here once again at the end of the season in the middle of the dark, long and cold off season of the VHL but to bring some warmth to the hearts of some of the players and fans as we reflect on the positive aspect of last season and hand out some cold hard cash!! Uh, I mean awards!!



We will start tonight’s awards off with the usual suspect for Best Defenseman and it is nice to see Guntis Gavilrovs has not only found a seat in the front for himself but also for all his girlfriends; has taken you long to get comfortable in the New York!! Also I am assuming you will be up here on stage a lot tonight so at least you don`t have far to walk. And no, I don`t know the results of the awards as I write this.  



Best Defenseman:

Last season we seen two defensemen accomplish amazing results scoring over 100pts in what was an amazing regular season for both Bollos de Trueno (105pts)  and Guntis Gavilrovs (100pts) making this one of the toughest choice to hand the award out tonight. So I will do what I usually do when there isn`t much between the two; so tonight first award goes to:



Bollos de Trueno @Thunder

19G – 86A – 105PTS   190 HITS 148 SB

This is the second season in a row that Trueno has won this award improving on a impressive season before. Leading the team in defensive points and shot blocked while locking down the first pairing. Big ask of the defender this season as Gunits has been packed and delivered to the New York so we will see if he continues his hold on this trophy into the foreseeable future.



Little Wolf Award (Most Hits):

I love being surprised by this one like the face of one of the players being unexpectedly crushed by a huge open ice hit and hearing the crowd go nuts, the embarrassment of knowing the other player got the better of you and everyone in the building knows. Last season we had a rather surprise winner in Riley Martin as I don`t think a lot of us seen that one coming as he led the Wolves with 240 hits so are we going to see surprise winner again this season?



Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts

291 Hits

Guntis became the driving defensive force last season for the Wolves and literally drove the opposing offensive forwards nuts and made them think twice before dumping the puck into his corner making them earn every ounce of ice this season; throwing more then 100 hits compared to his previous season tally. He was a force to be reckoned with as he wrecked everyone in sight!! I am sure he will do the same in New York but going easy on his former pals, right?



Unsung Hero:

I love to hate this award as it is one of the toughest awards to give out since everyone plays a large role in the team success but who is maybe the player that isn`t complete recognized for the season that they just completed and the role that they played in the success of the team. This season I could easily hand this award to one for five players, Bouchard, Martin, Trueno, Stefano or Soju; which is making me go back and forth but I think I will stay with the first player that came to mind and that is….




Riley Martin @Smarch

44G – 60A – 104pts  8 GW 202 Hits

Martin might have been slightly overshadowed this season by who I am 100% sure was the teams MVP but he was consistent night in and night out for the Wolves; while scoring timely goals with eight game winners on way to an impressive 104pts season. Showing that he is only getting better as he ages!!



Sniper Award (Shooting Percentage):

Last season I knew who won this award before stepping on stage but this off season being as long as it has; has made this old man lazy so I haven`t looked yet. My general guess will be either Bouchard or Ninefingers due to the fact that they scored the most goals on the team but I wouldn`t be all the surprised to see maybe Guntis, Stefano or Martin sneak into to claim the award so lets find out together who wins this award….



Pierre Marc Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito


Bouchard caught fire last season playing on the second line with Stefano (previous season winner) and Velvson scoring a neat 48 times. While I know he was disappointed not to reach the 50 goal mark one would assume it is a matter of time before he does. Let see if he can continue his hot hand and shooting percentage next season.



Most Energetic:

I think this award is pretty much locked down for the foreseeable future as this individual is active in the locker room and I cannot see awarding this award to anyone else at the moment; so who is the most energetic this season but none other then …….



Bollos de Trueno @Thunder

I know I asked this in a press conference last season and I still think the team overall made the right choice. Always one of the first to comment after the sims, still saying good night to the AGM and still shit talking @ScottyP; which will never get old!! It nice to see an active locker room with banter going back and forth all the time.



QB Award (PP Assists):

While I am still considering changing this award or maybe adding a Power-play award for most points; I have decided to keep this once again to assists. Having looked already at the winner; I was a bit surprised that it wasn`t our run away assist leader winning this award but …. Okay I won`t spoil it so let announce the winner(s)….



Riley Martin @Smarch & Pierre Marc Bouchard @Gaikoku-hito

23 Assist

These two player really had similar season as not only did they tie for PP assist but would have also tied for PP goals (12) and points (35) while having over all points being only 3pts difference between them. This is the second season in a row that Bouchard wins this award but presently surprised in a shared fashion with Martin; strengthening my claim that Martin was the teams unsung hero!!



Most Valuable Player (MVP):

So we know that we have a new winner as Martin was voted the Unsung Hero of the Wolves this season unless I make him both; which I don`t think is right as you cannot be unsung if you are the teams MVP. It is also nice to see this award changing hands as many times as it has showing the straighten and character that the Wolves continue to show. This player clearly lead the team when the chips were on the line ( I think league as well) in game winning goals while also pacing the team in points so without trying to spoil it too much let call up …….



Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy

47G – 60A – 107pts  14 GW

As one expects from the Captain to led the team and that is clearly what Logan Ninefingers did this season with a rather impressive fourteen game winning goals leading the team in this category by almost double. Add in the fact that he led the team in offensive as well means it was clearly a MVP season and a job well done!!



Tooth Fairy (PIM Award):

While I know I started off tonight stating that I expected to see Guntis on stage a ton tonight and I am even surprised that he hasn`t been called up that much (so far). I think I am safe to go out on the limb here and say that his award his usually his to lose. Hopefully I don`t end up with egg on my face for stating this now!! So who has won the Tooth Fairy Award?



Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts

187 PIM

You can put down the eggs now Gunits and join me on stage!! This is the third straight season and last season that Guntis will lift this award as he has been sadly traded to the New York American to become part of the Bash Brothers defensive duo with Callum Gary Yannick Janser. I can already see most of the league forwards pissing themselves at the thought of playing New York!!



Rookie of the Year/Top Prospect Award:

As Vancouver Wolves continue to focus clearly winning the Continental Cup and are cleary in win now mode; it was rather surprising when Vancouvers GM brought in a rookie to play the back-end last season along side Guntis but this rookie didn`t disappoint by scoring eight goals, adding thirty-one assist for healthy thirty-nine points in his rookie season. He will be looking for a new defensive partner this season and the Wolves hope to see continued development from this youngster so please welcome to the stage this season Rookie of the Year…..



Einar Mathiesen @xsjack

8G – 31A – 39 PTS  114 SB

Strong rookie season by any stretch and will be asked to carry more work load heading into the new season with Guntis being traded to New York and by all signs the team starting the season with only three defenders so hopefully the Wolves can watch this defender continue to develop into solid defender for season to come.



Always Responsible (Plus/Minus):

Never really an award that I know what to say but this award shows usually a well rounded player that can chip in offensively while also being defensive so who do I think won this award this season? I have no clue so lets find out now……



Bollos de Trueno @Thunder


This award seems to always go to defenders so I am not that surprised and even less so when you look at the fact that of the one hundred and five points that Trueno scored last season eighty of them came while playing five on five; making it no surprise really that he is once again joining me on stage winning another award. What a great season!!



It wasn`t me!! (Least PIM):

With last season winner taking on a larger role with the team; would one be safe to say that I don`t expect Stefano to repeat but I could be wrong but we already know one player fore sure that won`t be winning this award as he is already heading to the back to get another drink so speeding this along who was the Least Penalized this season?



Einar Mathiesen @xsjack


I guess this makes a ton of sense when considering his team mate led the team in PIM that someone needed to be responsible and not always hit someone over the head to get their attention. Call it the Jekyll & Hyde defensive pairing if you would like!! This one surprised me slightly.



Oops Sorry Eh!! (Least Hits)

Usually and offensive forward wins this award as they are not overly looking to punish the other team but rather dancing like a ballerina with the puck on the sticks trying to score rather then using their sticks like a club or their skates as knifes. So who is this season Ballerina of the Wolves?



Einar Mathiesen @xsjack

7 Hits

Oh Man!! They really were Jekyll & Hyde as one was crushing the other players the other was dancing is way to the corner to collect the puck. One always throwing the extra punch in a scrum while the other one was throwing clean breakout pass to start the offense!! This really surprised me as defenders usually led the team in hits. Hopefully next season Mathiesen finds a bit more aggression to his game with the big brute, knuckle dragging Guntis traded to New York!! LOL!!



Shoot the lights out (Most Shots):

Uh, Sorry Guntis, No you don`t need to come up here and I am sorry that I called you a big dumb knuckle dragging brute!! And remember that I didn`t trade you; it was Frank!! Can I get some security to the stage and can we cut this mans drinks off!! As we really don`t need a Will Smith situation!! I will buy you a drink later Guntis and hopefully it will be water under the bridge?

Uh, What award are we at now? Oh, Yes we are now going to award the Most Shots award so without much further ado….



Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy

548 Shots

As usual this award normal goes to the player that scores the most goals on the team. Uh, wait Logan didn`t score the most goals on the team this season as that was Bouchard. Oh!! Well, It usually goes to the player that led the team and that is fore sure something that Logan did this season as the teams MVP, and captain



Work Horse Award (AMG):

I always love to see who the coach favored this season and to see if it truly paid off with this player being one of the best on the ice night in and night out so who will be reaching for the ibuprofen and ice bags this off season….



Scrungle Bungle Novanod @Novanod

29.96 AMG

Woah!! This one surprised me as I would have assumed that Logan Ninefingers was the most played last season but he finished runner up to Bungle. Bungle takes his bruised and battered body to Warsaw via unrestricted free agency where I think I am safe to assume that he won`t be slowing down anytime soon as he surely will get a ton of playing time with the Predators.



C`mon Coach (Least Played):

I am here once again to put my foot in my mouth with my comments as this usually goes to Rookie, yet we just seen another rookie win the Work Horse Award so while I think I know who could be lifting this award in a few moments I would rather just we look and find out together so I don`t have to wash my mouth out even further then I already do. The winner is …….



Eno Velvson  @Nykonax

24.92 AMG

Okay, I am not that surprised as it is the second line winger; who likely didn`t see a ton of PP or PK time so I am happy to say that I didn`t have to eat my foot again by saying that I expected this to be a rookie!! Velvson will take his services to Chicago where he should get a lot more playing time as the Phoenix enter a rebuilding situation.



Bruised and Battered Award (SB):

This is usually a defenseman award as they lay the body on the line to aid the goaltender and generally playing really great defense. This is usually a sign of great defensive defenseman or signs of a great two way defender. Since we had two outstanding two way defenders on the team last season I am assuming one of the two will be taking this trophy home; it`s just a matter of which one…..



Bollos de Trueno @Thunder

148 SB

Second straight season that Trueno claims this award over Guntis; this time my eight total SB and not blowing my own horn at all but all four defenseman ended up one through four in this award race but I have learned to cautious since I don` t think it was that long ago a forward either won this award or finished runner up!!



Three Stars Award:

Copy and paste what I say all the time here as I still haven`t learned so give me a few moment and I will be back……



Logan Ninefingers

560 Pts

Finished the season with 28 total stars selections for 560pts with 8 – 1st Stars, 12 – 2nd Stars and 8 – 3rd Stars selections. Once again proving that my choice in MVP was correct and also proving last season MVP was truly our Unsung Hero this season as Martin would finish second but with more 1st Star selections with 12.




  1ST Star  2nd Star  3rd star  Total  Points 
Logan Ninefingers 8 12 8 28 560
Riley Martin 12 7 2 21 520
Pierre Marc Bouchard 9 4 6 19 410
Guntis Gavilrovs 4 10 7 21 390
Soju 8 5 4 17 380
Matteo Stefano 4 10 2 16 340
Bollos de Trueno 5 4 9 18 320
Celise Pereira 0 1 3 4 50
Eno Velvson 0 1 2 3 40
Einar Mathiesen 0 1 0 1 20
Scrungle Bungle 0 0 0 0 0





Final Thoughts:

Another great season came to quick and painful end inn the play-offs but goes to show how hard winning the Championship truly is making the previous years championship taste all that much sweeter and all I can think about is the how much more enjoyable winning another championship will be. Salary cap strain is also now fully effecting the Vancouver Wolves roster as we had to say good bye to one of the best defenders we have ever had wear the uniform as we simple couldn`t manage to keep the whole team together forever like we wish we could. More will likely be trade next season and season after as the league cracks down on teams like Vancouver that is doing better then others at being competitive. To that I say our window is now so hopefully we prove the league wrong this season and we lift another Championship or two before the current Wolves sail off into the Pacific sunset ending what I feel has already been great careers!!



Now lets go get them!!

wolf howling GIF


@Novanod@Frank@Thunder @Smarch@Scurvy@Girts@xsjack@Nykonax@mmrs617@asteria@Gaikoku-hito


2977 words claiming Mar 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

Edited by Gaikoku-hito
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On 3/3/2025 at 9:43 PM, Gaikoku-hito said:

Let me start with saying something that I think we are all thinking right now; Why is it always the F***ing Bears!!! I never understood the GM that walks up to the podium and congratulates the team the beat them the previous season just before drafting a prospect that hopefully will kick the ass of the team that you just congratulated. I guess it would be okay if you weren’t a play-off team but I say F*** the Champion if it isn`t us!! And might I add why is this off season taking so blood long? Let get on with new season so that we can recover from our devastating loss in the first round already.

Real 😭

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