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effort: 2/2 - This is amazing. I really have to say, improvement is shown. 


look: 3/3 - Great effects, great lighting, great font choice. I love the simplistic fonts sometimes, it's usually the best route to take. 


creativity: 1/1 - yessir. 


total: 6/6

Effort: 2/2 - Pretty solid.

Look: 3/3 - I like this a lot, the coloring and stock work look great. This is minor and not anything to dock for, but my only criticism with this sig is the text. Simpler fonts can work a lot of times, yes, but to me simpler fonts work better when they're closer together - in this case, "calgary wranglers gm" being closer to the "AUSTIN GOW" text, and "AUSTIN GOW" having much less spacing between the letters.

Creativity: 1/1

Total: 6/6


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