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Claimed:Unappreciated Stars [FINAL: 6/6]

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The Guys who do the little things to win.



Everyone talks about the stars the Thomas O'Malleys, the Don Drapers of the VHL the guys who score the big points. Each team however has another set of stars they are unappreciated the guys who every team loves to have, these are the guys who go out and play every shift like it is there last. They are one of the most valuable pieces on a team but not in a trade, they lack flash but they do those little things your stars just wont. Today we are going to look at a few of those guys around the league and make sure they get there spot in the limelight.


Defense Vladamir Komarov Davos




The season 40 product had a rough rookie season he showed flashes of brilliance but never really emerged. This season he has been as advertised he was for the longest time holding and unsustainable lead on the shots blocked lead, he now currently sits 3rd in the league. He has also amassed 62 hits which puts him in the top 5 for his position. Komarov does the little things well with only 9 points in 21 games hes not a guy most people look at on Davos as a star, but he has been a rock on the top pairing for Davos this year.


Defense Joshua Rubin Davos




Like Komarov Rubin has been a rock on the back end for Davos leading the league in shots blocked, hes shown he is committed to doing what it takes to win. Rubin is more offensive adding 16 points this year, but less physical adding 50 hits. Rubin is a more complete player.


Right Wing Christoph Klose Americans




The first forward on our List Klose has an amazing 15 shots blocked on his resume this year. To go along with 50 hit, and 20 points Klose is a guy whose trying to do everything he can to help his team win games. Hes off to a good start and could emerge as a great two way talent down the road.


Defense Nicklas Karlsson Bears




Karlsson has been a bit of a surprise this season a rookie on the Bears he currently is one of there best shot blockers, and hitters.He sits 3rd on his team is shots blocked with a solid 30+ hits and 16 points. A lot of people will question why he gets in over Villeneuve, or Samuelsson, however the reason he got in over them is we feel he doesn't get the same publicity as Samuelsson,and Villeneuve is a star defender.


Defense Mason Richardson Express




Richardson is not a star yet he was a highly heralded player but has not exactly been the star defender expected of him just yet. That being said that does not mean he has been bad either. With 44 shots blocked and 38 hits he has shown commitment to doing the little things his team needs of him.


Left Wing Logan Laich Express




He was expected to be a star in this league tear everything up, however things have not quiet worked out yet for him. That being said he hasn't just stopped playing hockey he has amassed and impressive 63 hits to go along with 9 shots blocked. He has shown commitment to both ends of the ice which makes him a valuable asset to the express.


Defense Jamie Hill Legion




Hill won out over Grr simply because of plus minus.Hill has had a solid campaign with 36 shots blocked and 40+ hits. She does not talk much but she has been an important pieces of the Legions defense now and hopefully in the future.


Defense Koji Yamazaki Meute




It is not easy to pick a guy who sits at over a PPG currently, however with 62 hits and 39 shots blocked its hard to leave him off this list as well. He plays on a stacked team which could contribute to his inflated offensive numbers. The fact is however he has done everything the Meute have asked him to and more.


Defense Penis Hudson Reign




Its a tough time for the Reign and without much support it wont be an easy year for them. However Hudson has been a bright spot on a rather dull team well he may be a minus 5 the team is almost all below him. With 44 shots blocked and 47 hits he is trying his best on the back end to help gather a few wins for his team.


Defense Jake Wylde Titans




Wylde has been a monster physically with 90 hits he is punishing anything and everything that moves. He has also managed to rack up 22 shots blocked, well its not overly impressive the sheer volume of hits he made puts him on this list.


Right Wing Teuvo Ruutu Vikings




Ruutu is a monster on skates with 93 hits he makes people pay for getting in his way. The downfall right now is his plus minus on a team that fluctuates. However he balances it out with 10 shots blocked as a forward. Ruutu has been a solid player this season striking fear into his opponents.


Left Wing Kez Kinkaid Wranglers




Kez Kinkaid is a horrible minus 12 which may make some wonder why he is included on this list, however he has hits a solid 66 times. That to go along with a great 12 shots blocked as a forward mean he manages to make it on this list. Another feat impressive for a winger is the fact he sits at a 50% draw average in the circle.

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Content: 3/3 - Hit the 450 word mark easily. Each analysis was small but was telling about the players, also tons of credit for doing analysis on so many players. Seems like a great piece of work you put time into, great job!.

Grammar: 2/2 - Thank god someone told me about what was going on! Jesus, ok, here we go!

For 6 months of English, this is very comprehensible! A few notes that'll help you along the way, hopefully we can move forward. Feel free to ask questions about anything!


Everyone talks about the stars the Thomas O'Malleys, the Don Drapers of the VHL the guys who score the big points. -> Should be a colon ( : ) after "stars" and should be some sort of transition between the last 2 ideas here ("the Don Drapers of the VHL aka the guys...")

Each team however has another set of stars they are unappreciated the guys who every team loves to have, these are the guys who go out and play every shift like it is there last. -> Commas are effective tools for drawing attention to certain phrases, such as here (Each team, however, has another...). Should really start a new sentence here (set of starsThey are...). Better wording here could be (They are the unappreciated, unsung heroes every team loves...) for better flow. And one last separation of independent clauses (loves to haveThese are...)

They are one of the most valuable pieces on a team but not in a trade, they lack flash but they do those little things your stars just wont. -> Replace the comma here with a semicolon to indicate that two independent clauses are related but not separated (not in a trade; they lack...). Comma here for proper structure after a FANBOY (lack flashbut they do...). Wont needs an apostrophe (won't).

Today we are going to look at a few of those guys around the league and make sure they get there spot in the limelight. -> There is in reference to a place, the one you're looking for is their, which is more possessive (make sure they get their spot...)

The season 40 product had a rough rookie season he showed flashes of brilliance but never really emerged. -> More semicolon use (rough rookie season; he showed...).

This season he has been as advertised he was for the longest time holding and unsustainable lead on the shots blocked lead, he now currently sits 3rd in the league. -> Separate those independent thoughts into separate sentences (as advertised. He was...). Commas to draw attention to small dependent clauses (He wasfor the longest timeholding...). "And" should be "an" (an unsustainable lead). Use a semicolon instead of a comma (blocked lead; he now...)

He has also amassed 62 hits which puts him in the top 5 for his position. -> Comma here (62 hitswhich puts...)

Komarov does the little things well with only 9 points in 21 games hes not a guy most people look at on Davos as a star, but he has been a rock on the top pairing for Davos this year. -> Better wording (Komarov does little things well, but with only... in 21 gameshe's not a guy... a star. Aside from that, he has been...)

Like Komarov Rubin has been a rock on the back end for Davos leading the league in shots blocked, hes shown he is committed to doing what it takes to win. -> Commas here (Komarov, Rubin...) and here (Davosleading...). Separate independent thoughts (shots blockedHe's ...)

The first forward on our List Klose has an amazing 15 shots blocked on his resume this year. -> "list" instead of "List". Comma use here (our listKlose...).

To go along with 50 hit, and 20 points Klose is a guy whose trying to do everything he can to help his team win games. -> Better wording (Add 50 hits and 20 points to the shot blocks and Klose...). "who's" instead of "whose".

Hes off to a good start and could emerge as a great two way talent down the road. -> "He's" instead of "Hes"

Karlsson has been a bit of a surprise this season a rookie on the Bears he currently is one of there best shot blockers, and hitters. -> Separate independent thoughts (on the BearsHe...). Can remove comma here (shot blockers and hitters).

Richardson is not a star yet he was a highly heralded player but has not exactly been the star defender expected of him just yet. -> Separate independent thoughts (a star yethe was...)

He was expected to be a star in this league tear everything up -> (in this league, to tear...)

That being said he hasn't just stopped playing hockey he has amassed and impressive 63 hits to go along with 9 shots blocked. -> (playing hockeyHe has...)

He has shown commitment to both ends of the ice which makes him a valuable asset to the express. -> Comma here (the icewhich)

talk much but she has been an important pieces -> Comma (talk muchbut she...) and "piece" instead of "pieces".

 Legions defense -> possessive apostrophe here (Legion's defense)

 39 shots blocked its hard to leave him off this list -> "it's" instead of "its" since "it's" means "it is"

Its a tough time for the Reign and without much support it wont be an easy year for them -> "It's" and "won't" should be used as they're the conjunctions you want

However Hudson has been a bright spot on a rather dull team well he may be a minus 5 the team is almost all below him. -> Independent thoughts (dull teamWhile he...) and a comma here (minus 5the team...)

I'll finish this later, but you get the gist. It seems your biggest struggles are determining when to separate independent thoughts and punctuation usage and that gets better with practice!

Appearance: 1/1 - It was mentioned that you should keep team colors together with the players on VHL, but it's not a requirement. I enjoyed the portraits personally and the title was clear. The format for each player was clean.

Overall: 6/6



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Content: 3/3 - Hit the 450 word mark easily. Each analysis was small but was telling about the players, also tons of credit for doing analysis on so many players. Seems like a great piece of work you put time into, great job!.

Grammar: 0.5/2 - Not the best grammar ever. There are plenty of places punctuation would have helped out with the flow of the article. Run-on sentences were also a problem in the first paragraph, as they were in a few others. While the content itself looked like it took the full 7 hours to research, the grammar and sentence structure seemed like a rushed job. That's why I'm giving you .5 of a point. An error per 100 words is about the threshold where points start being deducted and for a 1000 word article there were more than 10 problems here.

Appearance: 1/1 - It was mentioned that you should keep team colors together with the players on VHL, but it's not a requirement. I enjoyed the portraits personally and the title was clear. The format for each player was clean.

Overall: 4.5/6


Needs work, but still solid!

well why don't you list and show the problems so that he can see exactly what he needs to improve upon

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Well I've written English for 6months haha




Crap, will regrade immediately! Love you bud, thanks for the help!

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