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A mere twenty-six games into the 42nd season and currently two teams sit on top of the standings the Quebec City Meute (21-5-0) and the Helsinki Titans (16-8-2). Not only are the Meute and the Titans mirroring each other in terms of success on the season so much so that an interesting stat has been shared between the two teams. It’s hard to tell if this will continue throughout the season, but the two teams have both dominated the plus/minus category as respective representatives filled the stat column in the stat index.James Faraday leads the Titans, followed by King Czar II, Jackson Miller, and finally Naomi Young.  As for the Meute Koji Yamazaki is out front followed by Wesley Matthews, Akesel Thomassen, Bruno Wolf, and then Ryan Cattrall.While these stats can surly change over the course of the season, it was a firm anomaly showing the contrast of two different teams as they continue on trough season. 

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  • Commissioner

riding a nine gme winnin streak tho, boiii get ur facts together

We're barely behind you and have all our NY and Cologne games done already. I think you need to get your ego in check and recognize that your real test is yet to come.

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