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Claimed:tfong's True Identity (1of3) [Final 6/6]


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Just a young man trying to find his starting position, Blake Campbell was given privilege to become a free agent and find a team himself. It was less than a month ago that Blake Campbell found himself sitting outside the Brampton Blade's organizations Head Quarters ready and willing to sign a one year contract agreement. There he sat quietly awaiting GM tfong to come through those doors and shake his hand, but to his surprise he was already 15 minutes late. Where could tfong have been, I'm sure the young netminder thought. 5 minutes later he crashed through those doors and that's when Campbell knew he was a Blade for sure.


Blake Campbell says



"I knew no one would believe me. That who tfong says he is isn't actually who he is. He's wearing a mask and that's not meant to be some metaphor for him being fake. He just ain't who he is. I knew if people we're going to believe me, I had to make sure I did it right. So I hired a camera crew with the signing bonus he gave me!"


Blake Campbell had hired "Merica's Ant Farming inc", however, that was just the cover up they used on the van. They followed tfong around for 3 days, an entire 72 hours to unleash to the world his true identity. What you are about to see is not for the faint soul. If violence scares you, if drugs scare you, if doctors scare you or if black people scare you, please change the channel because this shits about to get real.




Day one: Wednesday, March 4, 2015


On the first day of this investigation, we were able to uncover a lot of mysteries surrounding tfong and what we are about to reveal to the world is very exciting. We're ready to bring to light what the rest of the world can't see. Only question is, are you ready to see it?


The Daily Log


We parked outside Mr. tfong's house and waited until he woke up, which is 6:15AM everyday. At exactly 6:20AM, the alarm went off again but instead of playing the normal alarm song it played the song "Nuthin but a 'G' thang". After a minute through the song it was shut off, followed by a cadillac suburban limousine pulled up out front. By 6:25 he was seen walking out the door already sharply dressed in all black, expensive clothing. It also appears like he has a cane made out of elephant tusk but at this point it's still a rumor. He quickly got in his vehicle and due to morning commute we lost him. We looked for several hours until we came upon a house where his limousine was parked at. The sign read "Welcome to the DR's house".





We parked the van exactly one block over on the opposite side of the street so we could watch the house and take more pictures. We then went on foot and looked through the windows but they were all boarded up with prison bars all through every window. The house was green with a gate in front that stay the fuck out or I'll kill you. Out back, a large yard. In the yard, a big dog. Beware of Dog the sign said. Underneath, a note that read "He will bite your dick off. Stay out". Oh yeah. Behind that dog, was another one. 




There was no way in so we had to play the waiting game. Not much happened as tfong wasn't seen leaving that house for the remainder of the day. Multiple vehicles did come to the building and have yet to leave. Loud music is coming from the house and the smell of ganja is definitely in the air. Two guests at the party are suggested to be Kat Williams and Snoop Dogg. They have taken the party outside and have apparently rented large flashing lights and a DJ. We decided that being the only 2 white people at an all black party wouldn't have been the best idea so we decided to call it a night.


Conclusion of daily evidence


The first house in which tfong left from in the morning is his legal residency, however, rather than spending all day in a mansion he decides to drive his Caddy Limo down to the dumps and party there instead. He spends the entire day there and we're unsure what time he got home or where he did. We set up tree cams and bird cams all throughout the neighbourhood so hopefully they caught something of him. Hopefully tomorrow is another productive day where we find stronger evidence to support all the questions we need answered. For now, let's get a few hours sleep so we can nail him tomorrow (next weeks Media Spot).



Questions needing to be answers?

1. Who lives at the "Doctors House" and if so, why does someone rich like tfong hang around people in homes and areas like that? Not very stereotype of him.


2. How is he able to afford a luxurious mansion, a caddy limo, a backyard lake and golf course, jet skis, a basketball court (weird) and an gold fountain of himself?


3. Is his cane actually made out of elephant tusk? 


4. Was it actually Kat Williams and Snoop Dogg at the party? Who else was there and why were they there?







904 words - 4 pics - Ep. 2 next week ;) - BTW - Who do you think tfong actually is? :D You'll find out when we're done here ;)


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Content: 3/3 - Awesome article. Who the hell is this guy?

Grammar: 2/2 - I didn't notice much.


"Brampton Blade's organizations Head Quarters" - organizations'

"with a gate in front that stay the fuck out or I'll kill you" - with a gate in front that said, "Stay the fuck out or I'll kill you".

Appearance: 1/1 - Pics, pics, and more pics.

Overall: 6/6



I'll be tuning in next week whether I'm grading it or not.

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