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Claimed:Business adventure [Final 6/6]


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Sometimes people write to me and ask: Hey Jorma! What are you doing with all that money you get for playing hockey? 
That is a good question. Quite often I just spend it on various things.Recently I bought a leather couch, did not even pick the color myself. I gave my agent three thousand dollars and told him to get me a couch. He bought a white leather couch. Just imagine that!? White leather couch.  I was furious but instead of taking it back to the shop , I gave my agent another three thousand dollars and told him to go and buy me  another couch. 
This time he bought a normal blue couch. Extremely nice to sit on. Some of you might wonder what I did with the white couch.. Well, I rarely sit on it. I use it to store my white t-shirts. I have nice collection of all kinds of t-shirts.  Last time I counted them , I had over 240. That couch is perfect place to keep them. 
When I´m not spending my money on couches or on something else , I´m always thinking about how I could invest my money. As some of you might know , I´m from Finland and after thinking it for few weeks , I decided to start my own business in Finland!  It´s a restaurant!
Very simple idea, we use fresh and local ingredients  to create simple but healthy food for people who enjoy homemade cuisine. The price is not that bad either so if you are ever visiting Finland , make sure you check if there is a restaurant called Ruutu´s anywhere near you.  Cheap , fresh, healthy and delicious food.. What more can you ask for?.
´Start from small and see how it goes in Finland before moving to North-America´.  My dad told me that and I must say that it makes sense.  I can´t cook at all but i can honestly say that the food in Ruutu´s is great.  I gave few of my Finnish friends money and they make sure the whole thing keeps on going smoothly. Sugar daddy is what they call me.  
Next step for me might be a hotel. I spend a lot of time in hotels so I have quite clear picture what I wan´t from a hotel. We shall see what happens. If the restaurant business won´t kill me and eat all of my money , I migth start few restaurants here in North-America as well but that is only IF the whole experience is succesful in Finland.
Not sure what I´m going to call my hotel but I know it´s going to be a great place to relax. Best place to sleep and eat lightly before continuing whatever journey you are on. I don´t want to start bragging but I´m awesome with business stuff. No idea how I ever started to play hockey. 
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Content: 3/3
A very entertaining read for sure! 476 words is awfully short, so try for more next time. At least you hit the minimum. I can't believe there are people out there with enough money to buy couches just so they can put t-shirts on them...
Grammar: 1.5/2
Missing a few As or Thes: Next step -> The next step
I have quite clear picture -> I have quite a clear picture
Start from small -> Start from something small
wan´t -> want
migth -> might
North-America -> North America
Appearance: 1/1
Pretty dull, but at least there is an image here. Try mixing it up with a title next time.
Overall: 5.5/6 ---> 6/6
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