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Claimed:Remember This? [Final 6/6]


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So there are a ton of new members that do not know me and then a bunch of others that do but just ignore me. It doesn't bother at all, that is not the reason why I am back here writing these articles. You ain't that fucking important bud. But I think I should give you guys a refresher course on me or to the people that don't know me it would be a “Hi nice to meet you, I'm Robbie” but the hi part is not me. I am not overly nice to people, because why would I be? This is online a forum for my rambling and musings, nothing more and nothing less. But yet here I am about to write a long article because well... I can bang these off in twenty minutes and move on with my day. So here we go.




About two maybe just maybe three years ago the league was struggling to stay on the internet. By this I mean they had pay monthly or yearly to have the forum up. The people that ran the league and actually still run it didn't want to keep fronting the money to keep it on the internet because well... it was either they were cheap fucks or it was because they didn't want to waste their hard earned money to pay for the forum. So they came up with the whole “donations” idea. An idea I found comical because this made them no better then people begging for money on the street. Not that people begging on the street is funny. Actually... the people on the street actually really need the money because they need to survive. But to my surprise people actually donated to the league and the league survived.


But that is not the purpose of this article, this is not a attack article. Hell it's far from one. If the people that run this league also donate to the league, then I in theory do apologize... yes a first for me. I just wanted to setup my article up so I can tell you a story. A story about when I offered to buy a VHL team and then later on the whole league.


So back when they started taking donations I was dicking around having fun just being a dick. I needed my next “stupid” thing to spend my money on. I am very fortunate to have deep pockets, and I am not afraid to point that out. But you now reading this, your eyes must be bugging out of your head when you read that I offered to buy a VHL team and then the whole league. You must be thinking who is the right mind would even do such a thing. Let me tell you.



 I offered I think it was about $1500 for NY or $600-$800 for the shitty Bears franchise. All I wanted in return was to be a “owner” of a team and have the say in who is GM of the team. The 600-1500 would have been more than enough money to pay for the monthly/yearly costs of the forum. I did not care that I would have been spending that much money on essentially nothing. Essentially I would be buying nothing and I would be wasting my money. Did that bother me? fuck no. But the people that ran the league turned down the idea. I remember one time that they needed to pay to keep the site up and they said they did not want to keep paying it when they already put so much time into running the league. To be honest they do put a ton of time into the league. They had a point to a degree. But my point here was that I offered as much as $1500 for the Americans which would have solved the financial issues at the time. But the league stood up to me and said no. Which I actually respect the people running the league for.


Next came my offer to buy the whole league. Yes I offered to buy the league, for a figure right around 10k (maybe more). All I asked in return was control of the league, but the people running the league still got to run the league. The 10k they would have would have been for paying operation costs and they could have even took on salaries with that money (I would have had to approve their salaries). I wanted control of the league because I wanted to change the league. I had big plans for the league. I would have came up with a plan where players salaries would actually be real money. NO! You would not be making millions. Your players “salary” would be “diluted” and equal a certain amount in real money. I would have gotten rid of point tasks and replaced them with other ways of earning point to make your player better. I cannot go into detail about any of this since I may or may not be funding a new Fantasy Hockey League App and lots of the things I wanted to do here I will probably do there. The league would have made money with my plan, if it makes money the players and people in it also make money. But the people who ran/still run the league turned it down.


Eventually I would have sold franchises for fair market price, expanded the league as player demand grew.  I had ideas on how the league it's self would make money so it would generate money that paid the players, people that ran the league, people working for the magazine and it would still have lots of money left over. I would have not offered to buy the league if I did not do the research beforehand. It was very a viable plan. My offered died there and I spent the money elsewhere.


I wrote this not to gloat and be like hey look at how much money I have. It was more as a “remember this?" I think both offers made sense for the league, but they stuck to their guns and said no. I respect them for that because they are still around. With a lot less money then they could have, but they are still around none the less. They still have their pride, knowing that they turned down a ridiculous cash offer for this league even though at times it looked like the league may end. I wouldn't be here writing all these articles if I hated this place. I do enjoy being the black sheep, the asshole. It's fun, and that is why I am back. I am not here to gloat about what I did in the past, that is not what this comeback is about, it's not what this article is about. This comeback is about writing a new chapter in my book of "being an asshole" and this article truly was just for "remember this" because even thinking back I am still shocked that I offered that much, even though the plan I had for the league would have made that money back and then some.

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Content: 3/3 - Welcome back. Interesting idea/interesting to know the back story. I'm pretty sure I was here when you tried to do this, cause I briefly remember this. Otherwise I'm not really sure what to say about this. Kind of crazy ;)

Grammar: 2/2 - nothing major just minor. 

them no better then people begging = them no better than people begging
this is not a attack article = this is not an attack article
then = than (x2)

Appearance: 1/1 - Yes

Overall: 6/6

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