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i quite like it tbh. Render effects look pretty decent, as does render lighting. I'm not too crazy about the single soft brush 150pix lighting click over the render directly, but it's alright.



text is simple but very clean looking



i really have no complaints besides the lighting click and maybe the lack of stock work (looks like you just have the same stock duplicated twice and laid over the sig maybe (those red line things) 

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but like, all I did here was add 1 CURVES layer (with the default set to "DARKER" instead of manually editing the curves graph, where it would be CUSTOM) that is masked over the render with a ~300pix soft brush,  and then an exposure layer with all 3 sliders slightly turned up a bit:






it results in:



which is a very basic change, but I think it just brings the focus of the sig towards the render (focal point) by making the outside edges of the sig darker via the masked CURVES adjust, and the exposure just adds a universal lighting/exposure to the entire piece to make it more uniform looking.




the difference is very minor (maybe opening them in seperate tabs and switching back and forth makes it easier to see what I mean). Some people may prefer your original without the adjustments, but i think it kind of just looks a LITTLE bit flat / lacking depth.

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and there is no surefire way to do this on every sig. I find, now adays, I will use multiple curves/exposure adjust layers throughout the sig. Sometimes I'll have a curves layer above the exposure (or vice versa, like above). It really varies on a sig to sig basis, and you're ultimately just looking for something that looks good. 

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31 minutes ago, gorlab said:



and there is no surefire way to do this on every sig. I find, now adays, I will use multiple curves/exposure adjust layers throughout the sig. Sometimes I'll have a curves layer above the exposure (or vice versa, like above). It really varies on a sig to sig basis, and you're ultimately just looking for something that looks good. 

Looking good is the ultimate goal. Most of my sigs have like 3-4 curves and 2-3 exposure layers to get everything just right.

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