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Beketov CoDCast Questions


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I got a couple for you actually:


1. How do PS Actions work? Like if I was to download an action and open my PS, how would you edit one? They confuse me and I'm trying to fool around.

2. Have any resources for PS that I can learn from?

3. Favorite 5 NHL players growing up as a kid?

4. When out no the street playing road hockey, what NHL play did you repeat in your head with your imagination?

5. Top 5 snakebitten VHL players that you can recall?

6. If you met a vegan cross-fitter, which one would they tell you about first? @Phil

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I actually forgot I'm going to be gone this weekend so I'll have to record this tonight. Bring on the questions if you have them!

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So, my wife got a new job which is great BUT it also means she has weekends off which means cutting into my CoD time. That's fine but it does mean that CoDCasts will need to be recorded Tuesday nights instead. That means I need questions ASAP so lay them on me!


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Mock Draft for VHLM?


Have you ever looked at STHS ratings for NHL players? If so, how do they compare to VHL elite tier players? IIRC Crosby has 90 PA, 93 SC, 99 DI or some shit, but also 44 FG and 65 CK.

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Come on guys, I need more to record tonight. CoDCast questions would really make a great birthday present, don't you think? Specifically my new teammate @boom and old reliable @ADwyer87

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I'll edit this with some later today. :cheers:




Gaming related stuffs

What is the best CoD game in your opinion? (For me it's prob MW2 even though I'd say every game in the franchise is just really extensions to the original MW and it's system)

Do you play any other games, shooters etc? What are you some of your fav franchises?

Do you follow any game sites? There is a group of us here @Jericho @Advantage myself and @YEAH!stlemania who follow Giant Bomb, curious if you explore any other similar content or even youtubers?


VHL stuff, lets hear some early predictions on FA's. Who goes where and why? Don't have to go through everyone but the big names. Do you think Riga has a legitimate chance at repeating? How happy are you with Seattles moves this season, would you of changed any moves they made? As someone whose been in the league a decent length of time, have you noticed any members change or grow over time? How about yourself? 


Speed round mix of stuff

Ignoring all restrictions, you can pick one member and their player to join your team, who and why? 

What is the craziest thing you've seen in STHS in your long tenure with the league?

Name your ideal salad with at least 6 ingredients.

Biggest VHL career highlight and worst VHL career moment?

Pretend you get to GM a new expansion team, which city do you expand to, what is the team name/colors etc?


Edited by Mr. Power
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2 hours ago, Mr. Power said:

I'll edit this with some later today. :cheers:



Ill probably be recording in about 4.5 hours BTW, just to give you a time frame.

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Is there anything you usually do for your birthday? 


Favourite gun in CoD?


Wait, Have you played CoD Infinite on here yet? Boy I need to watch more.


Give your thoughts on where all the FAs will end up. 


Ever played the Mass Effect Games? Cuz Im going to start em soon.


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Predict how many wins, the GAA, and the SV% of Holik this season. 


Predict the record of the bottom team in the VHL this season


Predict the Rookie of the Year. Can I finally possibly maybe win it?


Predict the biggest disappointment this season


Predict how many times you are going to get yourself killed in CoD this podcast. 

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That should be plenty for 1 CoDCast this week which is great! I'll try to get it recorded tomorrow or Wednesday. If people want to leave anymore though I'll gladly move them forward and maybe have time to do 2 CoDCast's this week!


Also, I will do my very best to offer questions for those that have offered them to me.

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Why does literally no one put anything into Penalty Shot?


Im still kind of confused about why the VHL needs to hold a lottery for a second player. Sounds like some Hunger Games shit.


Help a brother out by asking questions or being available tonight 3-9 CST.

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Got a new adapter ring just in time and got my mic orientation fixed so that (lack of pop filter aside) everything sounds perfect. Gonna record 2 CoDCasts this week, 1 tomorrow and 1 Wednesday so get your questions in while there is still time!



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I’ll have to see if I can salvage #25. I recorded the whole thing this morning and, for some reason, my commentary is gone. I can hear it in a raw file though so maybe I’ll get lucky and be able to sync it up and get a video out. I can’t guarantee anything though; I don’t normally do any post work on these.

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Managed to sync it at lunch (at least close enough, thank god I work with editing software) but my company's upload speed is abysmal so its going to take awhile.


While we wait, why not ask some questions for next time?


@eaglesfan036 @Shaka @ADwyer87 @boom @der meister @Victor @YEAH!stlemania @Phil @tfong  @ChrisF @George Costanza @Molholt @Mr. Power

@Draper @Banackock @gorlab @JardyB10 @evrydayimbyfuglien @Jericho @DollarAndADream @Kendrick @mpclardy


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- How's your predictions for holik looking this early on? I'll remind you of them: 

40 W | 1.50 GAA | 0.930 SV%


- Is there something (or somethings) the league is currently lacking and what would you do to change it?

- VHL Awards - should we continue to get the GMs to vote or should we let the BoG take of the voting in an open forum?

- When are you going to do your next CodCast with Facecam? 

- Have you played XCOM? Because I just started this week - it's been rough on my gym schedule lol

- I don't remember if you've answer this but: What's your all-time favourite game? 

- Career Goals for Sokolov?

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Do you like the LD and EX idea I had?Base Stat: 40 EX
EX TPE earned/season = (#VHL games played/7) + (#VHLM games played/14) + (#VHL playoff games played/2.1) + (#VHLM Playoff games played/4.2)
Most attainable without adding TPE in 1 season would be 20 TPE (40 -> 60)

Base Stat: 40 LD
LD TPE earned/season = ((#VHL Playoff wins) * (1 if no Cup, 2 if you win the Cup)) + ((#VHLM Playoff Wins/2)*(1 if no Cup, 2 if you win the Cup))
Temporary Boost of 5 LD attributes (80 -> 81, not 80 -> 80 1/3) for Captain, 3 for Assistant
Most attainable without adding TPE in 1 season would be 24 TPE (40 -> 64)

I know captain and assistant captain are very subjective, and there is some motive to vote for a player that doesn't have the captaincy, but I think the temporary boost makes it less likely to have people rigging the votes or assignments. It takes 120 TPE to get to 99 in either stat, so if you hit max TPE for both every season, it'd take 6 seasons to get to 99 in EX and 5 seasons to get to 99 in LD. We could also have it work with regression to be reduced at the same rate as the total TPE count and have some hard caps set.


If you had to reassign TPE on a Bot and rename it, what would you create?

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If there was one Attribute that you could add to both the Skater and Goaltender build, what would it be and what would it's effect be in the sim?


Fighting sliders up or naw?


Favorite VHL players that aren't your own that aren't currently playing?

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