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Playoff preparations


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As well all know, the most important thing when it comes down to winning games in the playoffs is the playoff beard. If you are for example down after the first period, you can look yourself from the mirror and if you have put the time and effort into taking care of your facial hair, you will be feeling great pretty much immediately.


I have started the preparations months ago by hiring a assistant to help me with everything playoff beard related. He will massage my face if I ask him to and it´s up to him to make sure I got all the needed products in my bathroom to take care of my godlike facial hair. It´s the away games where assistant like that pays off.Quite often the hotels we use have very limited selection of things you can put on your face, so having a guy with all the products with him is really a key to having a winners beard.


Luckily for the fans and of course for the players, the playoffs are starting rather soon, so we can all enjoy looking at the playoff beards and all the hard work the players have done during the last few months to make sure their beards are looking as great as possible.


Edited by jRuutu
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15 minutes ago, Victor said:

Don't like his shit @Draper who do you think you are with your wolf avatar


I liked it because when I think of @jRuutu punching someone, the mental image I get is pretty much equivalent to that gif.


Fucking mountains these days.


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