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Claimed:DRAPER IS A RACIST![Reviewed]


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DRAPER IS A RACIST.  Sources have confirmed that Draper has refused the introduction of an expansion team because of regional discrimination based on deep-seeded racism.  Yesterday, two entrepreneurs approached the league commissioner to propose a new team based out of Turino (may be misspelt according to Boom).  Of course, Turino is in Italy I think.  Is Draper racist towards Italians?  No.  How could anyone be racist towards Italians?  They made pizza and spaghetti, one is the greatest food in the world and the other was pivotal to the success of the Disney film Lady and the Tramp.  Nope, he is racist towards Asians.



Draper's youtube channel's top video.


The proposed team was called the Turino Tiger Tornadoes (or possibly the Turino Tigernadoes.  The final team name has not been cemented as there is a power struggle between the two entrepreneurs and neither is giving up any ground on which team name should be used).  The proposed team logo features a Mongolian tiger surrounded by a tornado.  Draper, reportedly, refused the team because of the origin of both tigers and tornadoes.



Proposed logo.  Totally original and not found in the emoticons.


As everyone knows, the Mongolian tiger originates out of Japan.  It has yet to be confirmed, but apparently Draper went on a grade 7 field trip to visit Pearl Harbour and has never forgiven the Japanese since that day.  Further cementing the claim that Draper is a racist, he refuted the concept of including a tornado in the logo.  Why?  Because tornadoes most commonly begin in Chinatowns across Missouri.  Therefore, tornadoes are Chinese made and responsible for costing hard working Americans their jobs.



Artist rendition of Draper.


Media and I have been reaching out to Draper for comment, but he has not been in the chat room since last night.  Purportedly, he is shying away from the camera hoping that this scandal will blow over.  Will it?  Absolutely not.  I will continue to write weekly media spots about both the Turino Tiger Tornadoes and Draper’s racist tendencies until he makes an official statement.  I will also begin making assumptions about Draper not liking other races, religions and feminists.  Until then, let me tell you a little more about this dream team.



An arbitrary picture of a guy grabbing his balls since I couldn't think of anything relevant.


The team was originally to be located in Turino, but due to population density and a lack of available building space, the team would take up the common practice of building an area in a near, neighbouring village or town.  As such, home-town sporting events will take place in Tunis.  Also, the team will be nicknamed T-3 or T-cubed. Fans will be referred to as “Tignas”.  What is a Tigna you may ask…  I just told you.  Literally read the fucking sentence before the question.  So there you have it.  Support for the new team is appreciated.  Please encourage Draper to approve the welcoming of this new team and call Boom a dickhead for refusing to support the cause.


Edited by Tsbagsuph
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