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Party hard


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When you play hard, you need to party hard.  That is what my mother told me when I was still playing back in Finland. Unfortunately, I have to start thinking about ways to relax and try to forget this seasons playoffs. As some of you know, New York got eliminated from the playoffs and that pretty much means we got few weeks of extra free time before the preparations for next season starts.


I can´t really follow my mothers advice on partying super hard since I stopped drinking and other bad behavior years ago when I accepted Jesus in my life. I have been thinking of just traveling to somewhere hot and just sit on the beach for days. That is pretty good way to relax in my opinion. Sunshine and good food is all you need really. To be perfectly honest with you all, I´m a old man and I need to be under the sun, so my body can recover from this season. There is no way I can recover as well here in New York. 


Stay tuned for more news about my travel plans, make sure you follow me on twitter,facebook,instagram etc. 

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