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Claimed:From Izidors Balders diary... [Reviewed]


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Hello my reader! I'm Izidors Balders, many smart peoples have analyzed my potential and invited to interviews. But this time i will tell you how i see all from a view of S50 draft prospect. So this will be something like my diary.

So lets start with previous week. Previous week was harsh, last games in regular season. Brampton little bit ahead and we needed to catch them. Easy to say, harder yo do, cause after half season they got new talented players and they become our biggest rivals. 

In my home country was also big celebration, but GM didn't let me so i celebrated with my buddies, Dynamite and Donovan, in Yukon. The hardest was to get real Latvian beer, of course we didn't get it.

But how it all started? It was Monday and i talked to GM, that he could let me to celebrate the midsummer fest, but GM was strict, no. So i decided to to make little celebration for team and show how in Latvia celebrate this fest. Of course was planned nonalcoholic drinks cause next day was game. But then something went wrong, Dynamite and Donovan, joined me and we all three went in little walk to local pub. 

In pub I noticed a hot chick, she was alone but we were three so we pulled out stick who will try to hook up. It was Donovan, he is great hockey player but in communication with girls he sucks, all happened so.  

Donovan started to talk: "Hi! You are so beautiful. Can i invite you to diner?" 

Hot chick: "Hi! Sorry, no. I'm on diet." 

But Donovan continued: "Then maybe to some movie in cinema?" 

Hot chick: "I'm watching movies online." 

Donovan was despaired: "Maybe we could go to my place and watch TV?" 

Hot chick bored: "No, no. TV i threw it out, cause it didn't showed anything interesting." 

Donovan shocked: "Then maybe we could do something what interests you?" 

Hot chick looks to Donovan: "I'm interested in sex, but looks like you not." She turned and left the pub.

Donovan stayed with opened mouth. Me and Dynamite all night laugh about that, great player on field but sucks when its come to girls. But ssh, we couldn't tell it to anyone. We promised, so ssh. But anyway hi is a great mate. 

Next day was awful, was very hard to play. We all three were lucky cause Yukon to short roster and they cant afford to don't let play three best players in team. We also have Lee, but he cant do all alone. After game we all three had to clean our and guest team locker room, with toothbrush. But it was that worth. 

So what else happened? Oh, finished regular season and GM let little bit to relax all team before starts the harsh play-offs. We need to win three series to win the cup. 

Also draft is coming, but its seems far away. Now  i need to focus on play-offs and get at least best defender award cause PO MVP probably will get Donovan. 

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Nice article, great to hear Dangles getting rejected by girls! what is midsummers fest? I havent heard of it, wasnt sure if it was real or just something made for this article. hopefully you didnt have to use those toothbrushes after you cleaned the floor with them!


515 words :D

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9 hours ago, ADwyer87 said:


Nice article, great to hear Dangles getting rejected by girls! what is midsummers fest? I havent heard of it, wasnt sure if it was real or just something made for this article. hopefully you didnt have to use those toothbrushes after you cleaned the floor with them!


515 words :D

midsomer fest is real, here link from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jāņi

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