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Beketov CoDCast #3 [Reviewed]


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No waiting around for processing this time! Although it might not be HD yet; not sure.


Answered questions from @ADwyer87 @DollarAndADream @Molholt and @Phil Also, @Shaka wanted me to tag him. Enjoy!

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Could I get an honest review from you guys BTW: how does my microphone quality sound? I've been considering upgrading to an actual external mic instead of using my Astro Mic but I think I got the quality to a pretty good level so I haven't bothered yet.

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- Microphone sounds fine to me. I don't think it's amazing or anything but I'm not some sound wizard so I'm not expecting anything. Sounds good.

- Dead By Daylight. Never heard of it, but it sounds like a lesser version of the Friday the 13th game that's coming. Adam Sessler, a famous-ish gamer personality and now dev is on the project.

- Making me want to play CoD again... I haven't touched it in months.

- DaaD with a whole pile of gaming questions. Lol, my bad.

- When I first heard Infinite Warfare was going to futuristic, I thought damn.....I'm going to pass and get Battlefield 1. I went full hype train for 1. But then I saw the E3 gameplay for Infinite Warfare, and it looks pretty awesome.

- I honestly don't know what the best way to go for FPS is right now. I seem to get bored of all of them nowadays within a few weeks of playing.

- Wasn't the newest Wolfenstein like that? Hitler won the war? I didn't play it, but I think that was it.

- They should make another Vietnam game. I used to love Black Ops and Battlefield: Vietnam.

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