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Wesley Babiy signs with Seattle


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S45 Draftee Wesley Babiy can pretty well be labeled a flop.  After going in the third round of his VHML draft, his stock saw a big rise followed by a huge fall in his first season.  After which he had a fairly competitive four seasons with the Reign, but was unable to really make strides as a player.  His time in Latvia was seen as a lull, and his practice habits were ruined.  However he has recently been seen this off season trying to get back in shape as he attempts to finish his career strong.  The first step in which was a change of scenery.


This year Babiy signed with the Bears in an attempt to revitalize his career.  The Ukrainian Babiy notes that it was his relationship with Russian youngster Bogdan Podarok that led to his coming to Seattle.  "Pody is a good friend of mine off the ice and we've played a lot together during the breaks between seasons.  He loves being in Seattle and really sold me on the future of the Bears.  I want to come in here and help be one of the depth pieces on a growing young team.  We've been saying at practice 'First Step', well this may be my third or forth First Step but I am excited to be given another one."

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