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The Kendrick vs Denise Rivalry Goes All Star


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The votes are in, and the two all star captains will be myself, and Kendrick. Now many don't know about the rivalry between us, and it's not really much of a rivalry anyways. It's more that @Kendrick has stolen the grumpiest crankiest most unwavering person on the board from @sterling. Then there is me, one of the few in the BoG who attempts to see the perspective from other peoples view, even if I don't always agree with them. Kendrick has a very entitled perspective when it comes to the league, and the amount of times that old crank has said "I'll leave if we do this" in the BoG Forum would have to be counted on two hands. Now I know, he may say there is no entitlement to that, but holding the league hostage when we try to honor a member who has built this league like him, versus trying to maintain our active community and cater to the newer members is a balance someone like Kendrick thinks is irrelevant. Yet here we are, on the cusp of two new players, with a "ruined" player store, already expanded, the list goes on. In the case of Kendrick I always found it's easier to be a blanket detractor, a constant cynic, than to ever try to bridge the gap and make suggestions that would help evolve the league for the members who have grown tired of, or dislike certain aspects of the league. And don't even get us started on if an idea suggested even remotely has a connection to the SHL. Kendrick would instantly turn anything down that has any connection to the dreaded SHL. I mean god forbid we ever try to accept that even among the differences, there is something the SHL does that works a little better than us just giving the crazy member number differences. But apparently there is no such thing as a middle ground for people like him. It's either black or it's white. 


The S50 All Star game I'm going to draft a better team than Kendrick and we are going to crush him, #TeamDenise is going to make #TeamKendrick their bitches, and I"m looking forward to it! 

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