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Davos makes it!!!


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If you asked me 3 seasons ago when i took over, where i though Davos would be right now. I would likely have told you just starting to be competative. At the time i took over i had 2 active young players, and a vet whose time was coming to an end. Lucky for me the cupboard had a few picks. Covington and Adultman were meant to be the core of my forwards. 


Adultman went inactive, well Covington has bloomed into a super star. With the draft the same day i selected Pavel Komarov, and what at the time i thought would be the next davos great Jakob Holik. As expected the season, was a long one with losses pilling up. Flashes though of what to expect came with Covington as he won rookie of the year. The deadline saw Sinclair move, aswell as Volmont. Both adding picks to help build the core.


The draft came and i made the two biggest blunders of my career. Selecting Bobby Digital and Tobias Klingberg. Digital was an instant cancer. Well Klingberg respectfully wished to leave. The trade for Digital was quick to avoid more drama, well Klingberg brought another great player in Roberts.


The season unfolded as we seemed to hold onto a playoff spot. No intention of changing course, however i got a huge offer. Adding Muller, and Clegane two vets in exchange for a 1st and Holik. It was a tough call to make but i made it. The next big trade is another i regret after being burned by the player next year was a first for Kyannun. After almost winning the divison we fell to Riga. I had a choice, to make blow it up or try again.


I went for it adding Ruutu and Francis York Morgan. The year went as expected battling Colonge, we added at the deadline the last piece in Nuck. The season ending falling just short of the division again. This time however Riga would finally fall, in 6. Next up was Colonge who proved much like Riga a challenge, but they fell in 6 aswell. 


After all the risks, the pain the frustration. We are here, the finals trying to stope history.

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