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The season 51 has now started and that means that my first full year in VHLM has started.  I was lucky enough to be among the players who got drafted little while ago. I guess Saskatoon liked what I did during my time with the team last season and they decided to call my name first overall! That was a nice moment. I was not expecting that if I´m totally honest. Sure, I performed fairly well last year, but still being first was a surprise.  


The whole draft day was a busy day overall, lots of interviews with media and then meeting with the coaches and managers of Saskatoon.  I already knew most of the people in Saskatoon, so it was almost like coming back to home. Some of the guys who got drafted had to start from zero in a way. Everything is totally new to them. Me knowing the team and people so well has helped me a lot, especially on the ice. All I have to do is play hockey and do my best.


Season 51 has started nicely, both for Saskatoon and for me personally. Team is winning games and I´m producing steadily. That is all you can really ask for and I´m already looking forward on seeing how well we play during this year. 


Hockey part of my life is going smoothly, but the other stuff is not so. For example, I had to find a new apartment after moving out from my old place during the off-season. I had to let the old apartment go just in case I get drafted to some other team than Saskatoon. Finding a new place turned out to be a challenge. Not that many free apartments in Saskatoon apparently. I had to live in a hotel for first week of the training camp, but luckily the manager of Saskatoon knew some people and he hooked me up with a place to live.





Nothing too fancy, just one bedroom and living room with a small kitchen. Perfect for a single man like myself.  Easy to keep it clean and I can walk to practice if I feel like doing so.  Rent is also fairly cheap in my opinion, I can even save up some money and perhaps find a new place in the future or travel to somewhere during the off-season? Not sure yet, but having some money saved just in case you might need it is great.


Stress of finding a new place is behind me now, but at the time I was really stressed out. Now when I´m thinking back, I was worrying about nothing really. I mean, I was healthy and living in a hotel. Plenty of people in this world have real problems. Easy to forget how well I have things sometimes.


I´m still healthy just in case someone is wondering.  I by the way scored a goal again during the weekend, so my secret goal of reaching 20 goals this year might come true!

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