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The Covington Decision


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Okay everyone sit the fuck down and listen. I don't have much time because I have partying to do and the girls are getting a bit impatient because I promised them a pool filled with Cocaine. No, not a pool filled with water that has cocaine in it, but a whole go damn pool with just cocaine in it. I have officially dropped the hooker posse because they were disgusting and fucked. I am leaving them in Riga for my boy Mulligan who will stick behind and try to bring Riga back to the Finals to meet my new team there. Well that's the dream. It sucks breaking up the duo but it has to be done. After winning the cup and then... stealing the cup. Which by the way you will never find. I realized I never want to go another season without winning it. I will take the cup out of hiding and bring it to the celebration and then hide it again. But lets get to my decision. Obviously I am not going back to Riga. Not because I hated it there, and the cocaine was sub par at best but because I saw that other teams will have better overall teams then them. Riga will contend for a birth in the final. But I want to play for the team that will win it all. That is why I have decided to not sign in Riga. But I am hopping over the proverbial pond and signing in a city that I know all too well. No not Las Vegas because the VHL does not have a team there. But a place my player management team knows all too well. A team that might hate some of our older clients but that is in the past. I was instructed that by my player agent that going here I maybe able to change their ways and maybe change them back. Who am I talking about? The New York Americans of course. I am coming home to the place where it all started for my player agency. The team the mastemind asshole Robbie Zimmers moved from the shit hole they call Hamilton. Where he built the short bus and was known for not giving a fuck. But now they have a new logo and a new "identity" well... till now that is . I go back trying to bring them back to that old logo and that old mentality. I go back most importantly to win my second cup and tell the league the cup stays with me. So with that I say no questions, no nothing. I am gone. I am out of Riga and I am off to NY... eventually after my world cocaine tour ends.  

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