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Claimed:A Christmas Cocaine... I mean Carol


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Sir William Covington III is walking to his car after a recent loss to the Riga Reign when Shaw Muller @TheLastOlympian07 comes running out of nowhere at full speed with a Christmas present in hand. As Shawn nears William’s Lamborghini he slips and slides into the car. William instantly shoves Shawn to the ground and makes sure the car is okay






You better have not dented the car




Shawn sits up and hands William a box












Shut up




William says smacking the box out of Shawn’s hands






Buh fucking Humbug I say to you and your shitty little holiday






You can’t be serious buddy, it’s that time of year to be Merry and happy






I say it again, Buh Humbug






How can you be like this? Everyone is so happy and merry.






They are happy and merry being poor and stupid






Then if that is so then why are you unhappy when you are a one percenter?






Because I have to live in this world with the rest of the ninety nine percent




William gets into his Lamborghini and speeds off leaving Shawn and his present laying on the floor.






William drives to a club proceeds to do a mountain of coke with his friends and random model girls.






It all becomes a blur till he wakes up in bed at three AM on Christmas. He looks towards the window as he hears a sound. He shakes his head trying to go back to sleep but he hears it again so he gets out of bed leaving two naked models lying in bed. He walks over to the window to close it when he hears






I would not be doing that if I were you






Oh yeah? Why is that?






Because it will hurt going through it




William spins around as he raises his fists preparing for a fight but he sees nothing






Coke dreams






Half of what you said was right




A big empty coke bag appears out of nowhere. It floats there in front of William. William doesn’t even look scared by this. He just looks at it with confusion with a cocaine haze stare.






What the fuck are you supposed to be? A used condom?






No, I am the ghost of Cocaine Past I have come to show you your past. In hopes it will change your future.




Okay, let’s go




Cocaine Past


Wow, that easy?






I’m always up for a cocaine trip




Cocaine Past


Okay… most cocaine addicts are scared of me and I have to chase them and shit






Well… I am not most people. I’m the fucking king!




William grabs hold of a corner of the bag






Let’s go, I need to get back before the two sluts wake up




Cocaine past flies through the window with William






Cocaine Past lands on the front lawn of a huge house. Freshly fallen snow covers the lawns, trees, and roads as Cocaine past leads William to the front window. We now see a young William yelling at his parents because his gifts were not expensive enough.




Young William


This gold Rolex was the ten thousand dollar one not the twenty like I wanted




Covington Sr


You are six years old you should be happy with that




Young William


This is bullshit! People will laugh at me because I got the cheap one




Covington Sr


No one will laugh at you with that watch




Young William


Pablo will




Covington Sr


Pablo can suck a dick




Young William


Yeah fuck him!




Covington Sr


Now, now son no swearing on Christmas. Just say you wish him a unpleasant Christmas and hope he and his family are all sad… Like I do his horrid father who thinks he is better then me. God I hope he dies on his shitty little private Jet. Ours is so much better




Young William


I hope they all die




William’s father pats him on the head




Covington Sr


That’s a good boy




Cocaine Past looks on in horror




Cocaine Past


I thought bringing you back here would show you what your addiction is robbing you of but I kind of see why you are so fucked






More like fucking amazing!




Cocaine Past


Okay… let me bring you somewhere else in hopes you get what I am trying to show you






Okay… but only one more place bud. I have cocaine to do






William is inside a club at the age of 15 dealing cocaine. Yes a 15 year old in a club. Since he owns it. He is now seen cutting the coke with laundry detergent and other fucked up things. He then is seen selling Pablo the cocaine.






Pablo is now seen snorting the coke with his family and the pilots on the plane as the plane is on autopilot. Pablo now thinks he can fly so he opens the door to the plane making him fly out and hit an engine. This causes a plane crash killing all on board.






Fuck yeah! He got what he deserved!




Cocaine Past


Okay, I give up






Cocaine Past drops off William but as Cocaine Past leaves Cocaine Present arrives.






Come on, this is getting stupid




Cocaine Present


Come with me and I will show you what your cocaine use is doing to the people you love






I love no one




Cocaine Present


Okay… the people you care about?






I only care about myself




Cocaine Present


Wow… we should have had a cocaine ghost meeting before this one… just come with me






Okie dokie flying cocaine bag






Cocaine Present shows William what his use is doing to his team. As his team practices William lays inside the net passed out. They shoot pucks at him in a effort to wake him so he can move but it just wakes him and makes him throw the pucks at them. He then begins to snort the ice.






Ah yes, fond memories with the boys







Image result for lame christmas party


Next Cocaine Present shows William being an asshole at the annual league Christmas Party. William is seen yelling at a wall before Shawn Muller walks over to him and taps him on the shoulder






You really should have signed in Riga






Fuck you eggplant












Yeah you are an eggplant aren’t you not?






No… I’m Mully, your best bud






You mean you are "The Mulligan"?












Fuck you, you little dick weasel. I hate you






How can you say that?






Easy, I just say it and don't care about how it effects people






That's hurtful









Image result for lame christmas party






Cocaine Present


Do you see what it is doing to you?






Making me amazing?




Cocaine Present


No… making you an asshole






I am and always will be one. Cocaine didn’t make me one, in fact it calmed me down




Cocaine Present

You cannot be serious




Yes, if I wasn’t high right now I would burn you so you would leave me alone




Cocaine Present disappears






Well I’M DONE! You have a go!




Cocaine Future appears






Let’s get this over with






It’s Christmas morning in the future sometime. We see graves as far as the eye can see. As we come across the graves of Pablo’s family which all read “Fuck them, I shit on their memories”  then the grave of Williams father which reads “Was a true father in the simplest terms. Lived and died not givin’ a fuck. Something I adapted into my own life” and finally the grave of Shawn Muller which reads “Mully lived and died a nice guy, which in the end killed him. So fuck him” All the graves are side by side. We now see a passed out William laying behind the grave. Obviously passed out from all the cocaine and partying he has done.




Cocaine Future


Can you now see what it has done to your life and people around you?






Yeah! Made their lives amazing because they are around me. I remember them by burying them in a place I can find them even in my high moments.






Cocaine Future literally drops William in his room




Cocaine Future


You are literally not savable






Fuck you too




William looks at his bed to see the sluts are gone. William shrugs and calls Mully.






Merry Christmas Buddy!






Thank me












Just do it






You need to be more specific than that. Are you high on coke again? On Christmas (whispers) Day? Have you no shame?






I am the Cocaine! I’ve always been the cocaine and always will be the cocaine




William hangs up the phone and does a line a of cocaine




Related image



Merry Fucking Christmas




Image result for merry christmas you filthy animal gif


Fade to black


@Streetlight @STZ @Mr. Power @Phil @gorlab @der meister @brovy



Edited by KingRobbie
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