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League Leaders pt.1


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Let's take a look at the league leaders for the VHL this season. 




Pietro Maximoff is having a very fine season in Riga, Latvia. He is breaking out in a big way in the form of a league leading 49 goals. He also has 47 assists to go along with those goals for 97 points on the season which puts him 4th league scoring with about 20 games to play. John Sleeman is close on Maximoff's ass though with 48 goals of his own. Unassisted and Tom Lincoln are tied at 3rd with 46 apiece. It will be a very interesting end to the season as 5 players have 40+ goals and anything can happen.

1st: @Green

2nd: @Frank

3rd: @STZ & @brovy



STZ.gif & NDBZsKg.png

New York Americans Unassisted and Cologne Express Niels Skovgaard lead the Victory Hockey League in assists. They have 60 assists each. This is 7 assists more than Tom Lincoln who is in 2nd with 53 assists. Defenseman Black Velvet has 52 assists which places him 3rd on the list. Black Velvet is not having such a great year as he had last year but still has 70 points which is good for 15th in league scoring. 

1st: @STZ & @Tim

2nd: @brovy

3rd: @Higgins




The leader in assists and 3rd in goals is probably going to be leading the league in points. That's exactly what Unassisted of the New York Americans is doing. He has 46 goals and 60 assists for 106 points and is the only player to break to century mark this season....so far. 2nd place is a tie between Tom Lincoln and Niels Skovgaard who have 99 points a piece. Lincoln with 46 goals and 53 assists, Skovgaard with 39 goals and 60 assists. 3rd place is Pietro Maximoff who has 49 goals and 48 assists for 97 points. 9 points behind 1st and 2 behind 2nd. Can anybody catch Unassisted? find out next week

1st: @STZ

2nd: @brovy & @Tim

3rd: @Green


for muller


*sorry @Smarch i stole your idea but you havent done it in awhile so i thought why not. if you would like to continue doing this i'm sure i can find something else to do*

Edited by TheLastOlympian07
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16 minutes ago, TheLastOlympian07 said:

which would you rather do? VHL or VHLM. because i will take whichever one you dont want to do lol. i was just in the midst of writing one for the VHLM :lol: but ill do something else

Go ahead I'm just lazy and can't think of ideas but I only need on with the magazine usually so go hard 

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