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GM 26: Oslo vs. Vegas


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Welp at least we scored. Man is Vegas ever the biggest trash heap this side of the city dump. Like seriously has Robbie built the most hate able team in the history of history? Probably. I'd say it's bad for the league, but lets be real nothing is saving the VHLM anyways. :P 

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1 hour ago, Devise said:

Welp at least we scored. Man is Vegas ever the biggest trash heap this side of the city dump. Like seriously has Robbie built the most hate able team in the history of history? Probably. I'd say it's bad for the league, but lets be real nothing is saving the VHLM anyways. :P 

History of history? lol :D really? that's an honor that cherish and love. But just wondering why? there have been other super teams in the past, so why this one? because I run it?

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2 hours ago, BOOM said:

May as well update past 200. Can't be any worse. 

On the bright side, you killed it in the dot while killing penalties so you helped us get possession and be 100% when down a man?

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