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The Vegas Super VHLM Team Never Should Have Happened


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Way back when me and either @Smarch or @Fire Hakstol were VHLM Commishes, we implemented a rule where teams couldn't own more than 3 first round picks in a draft, and no more than 6 combined 1st and 2nd rounders total. Of course, this was back when there was at least 8 teams, and possibly even 10 times but I am too lazy to look. The point of this was to avoid a Vegas scenario like this year, where a team just owns the entire top few rounds of the draft and no one else has as shot. No more than 3 1sts and 6 1st+2nds made sense to keep league parity back with 8 or 10 teams, but Vegas has shown this year that number clearly needs to be lowered. Were I still VHLM commish, once we moved down to 5 teams, I would probably have moved that number to something like no more than 2 1sts, and no more than 7 picks in the 1st 3 rounds. With less teams in, each round pick become more valuable obviously, plus it takes less picks to own the higher end of the draft. Were I still VHLM commish I would have jumped on this before the season started. However, I can't blame @Banackock and @Frank too much because they both just got hired at the start of the offseason and had a lot on their plate as new commishes. @BobertZ followed the rules given to him so he can't be blamed for trying to win. This is something we really need to avoid in the future though. Bye Felicia

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10 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

I made that rule up long ago and it was thrown away shortly after, no one should've touched it.



I don't think you were ever a VHLM commish, correct me if I'm wrong? Also, what do you mean no one should've touched it? The rule needs touching to limit teams to less picks now that there's less teams

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1 hour ago, eaglesfan036 said:



I don't think you were ever a VHLM commish, correct me if I'm wrong? Also, what do you mean no one should've touched it? The rule needs touching to limit teams to less picks now that there's less teams

I was a VHLM Commish for 1 season and I banished teams from having more than 6 draft picks in the first 2 rounds. It should've have ever changed back then (8 teams). No one should have touched the principle of it. Obviously the number of teams has changed.

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Well if anyone is to blame, it's me. I set Robbie up with all those picks for him to use. From there it was up to him to use them on the best possible players and it seems like he has utilized what was given him to the best extent. Now if those rules about the 2/7 were in place, it could have prevented me from certain trades thus making it a little harder for Robbie. Point being, Boberito is just taking advantage of what was at his disposal.

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