Seth 92 Posted May 27, 2014 Share Posted May 27, 2014 To me, the fact that she can get heat and play to the crowd...I mean how many heel diva's have we had that can do that (other than AJ)? I honestly believe she is getting X-Pac heat like Eva Marie receives. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted May 27, 2014 Share Posted May 27, 2014 I honestly believe she is getting X-Pac heat like Eva Marie receives. Ehhh...Alicia aint bad. She isn't horribad in the ring (not as good as Paige, Emma or AJ..but still) and I think she can play the crazy aspect alright. It will be great to see Paige destroy her which is why I think I like this version of Alicia Fox. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted May 27, 2014 Share Posted May 27, 2014 For those that like indy stuff, I am sure you have heard of Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly. These two guys are easily among my favourite independent wrestlers on the scene right now. I found this match from a couple years ago after the two were a tag team. It's Hybrid Rules (no pin-fall and there are fouls for leaving the ring and 3 fouls gets you disqualified). Quite an entertaining match so I thought I would share. AwfulHomesick 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AwfulHomesick 148 Posted May 29, 2014 Share Posted May 29, 2014 I became a huge Adam Cole mark a few months ago, and the ReDRagon vs Young Bucks match at War of the Worlds had me become a Kyle O'Rielly fan. Match of the night. I've been really getting into Ricochet lately. He wrestles for Dragon Gate in Japan and their US extension, Dragon Gate USA. Here's a quick but great match between him and PAC (aka Adrian Neville) Advantage 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FBR 158 Posted May 31, 2014 Share Posted May 31, 2014 "If everthing goes well, three HUGE names of the independant scene, KENTA, Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt should begin at the WWE performance center in August." YES! YES! YES! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
8Ovechkin8 262 Posted May 31, 2014 Share Posted May 31, 2014 I found this so awesome haha. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AwfulHomesick 148 Posted May 31, 2014 Share Posted May 31, 2014 "If everthing goes well, three HUGE names of the independant scene, KENTA, Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt should begin at the WWE performance center in August." YES! YES! YES! dont remind me. Haven't watched much of KENTA in NOAH but I'm gonna miss seeing Devitt do his Bullet Club schtick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 1, 2014 Share Posted June 1, 2014 "If everthing goes well, three HUGE names of the independant scene, KENTA, Kevin Steen and Prince Devitt should begin at the WWE performance center in August." YES! YES! YES! Not looking forward to Kenta. Just have a feeling they are going to ruin him immediately. The other two...(especially Steen)..I am really excited for but a bit nervous too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FBR 158 Posted June 1, 2014 Share Posted June 1, 2014 (edited) Not looking forward to Kenta. Just have a feeling they are going to ruin him immediately. The other two...(especially Steen)..I am really excited for but a bit nervous too. I'm not nervous for Devitt, there are rumours that he's not going to be long until he's in the main roster, like a month in NXT and bam, already on RAW. But, being a HUGE fan of Steen(hometown guy), I'm really nervous, I'm scared there going to give him a stupid "Brodus Clay" gimmick. Even though, it's going to be tough to give him that ^^ For KENTA, I just hope they don't Yoshi Tatsu or Funaki him. Edited June 1, 2014 by FueledByRamen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FBR 158 Posted June 3, 2014 Share Posted June 3, 2014 Don't know if any of you was watching Raw, but holy shit, that swerve at the end! My legit reaction: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 3, 2014 Share Posted June 3, 2014 Figured it would be Ambrose. Was quite surprised. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FBR 158 Posted June 3, 2014 Share Posted June 3, 2014 Figured it would be Ambrose. Was quite surprised. I was a 100% sure that Ambrose was going to turn against them (not join Evolution), but Rollins turning and joining Evolution.. Damn! Well.. There's one guy missing in The Shield.. It's time for.. #BOlieveInTheShield Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 I am soooooooooooooooooo excited to see Cena win another fucking title at MITB....wahoo... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toast 887 Posted June 22, 2014 Author Share Posted June 22, 2014 I am soooooooooooooooooo excited to see Cena win another fucking title at MITB....wahoo... Could it be anymore obvious? Hahaha. Oh man... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devise 4,475 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 I still say Bryan isn't as injured as we all thought, and that he's the 8th man. WWE doesn't often do 7 man ladder matches anyways. Otherwise yeah it's going to be Cena or Orton. Seems like Lesnar is getting it at Summerslam anyway though so it's just a transitional reign. Even if Lesnar doesn't get it the moment Bryan is healthy he wins it back so at least it's just a temporary thing if Cena gets it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seth 92 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 No matter who wins at MITB, the reign will not be long. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
8Ovechkin8 262 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 (edited) Yea Lesner is a lock to win at summer slam. They need a face to win, could roman reigns win? Maybe they'll put Bray over as an dark face kind of like how undertaker was for parts of his career? Safe pick is Cena though. Edited June 22, 2014 by 8Ovechkin8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 22, 2014 Share Posted June 22, 2014 Cena wins at MITB. Lesnar wins at Summerslam due to Heyman distraction (cause Cena's bitch ass needs protection apparently). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ball 453 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Well Kane is an interesting addition to the MITB match this Sunday, but I think Roman Reigns will win it in the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FBR 158 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Reigns is getting WAY too much hype. He's not winning it. Same for Rollins. The 3 ex-Shield are coming out empty-handed of this MITB PPV. WWE WHC MITB- Orton just came out of a run, I don't think he'll win anytime soon. Sheamus is US Champ, he doesn't even deserve that title. ADR is just a guy who can make others look good in that match. Reigns is getting too much hype. He'll knock out Orton and Kane, but he won't win. That leaves Cesaro, Wyatt and Cena. I think that WWE feels like Wyatt and Cesaro are too unexperienced to be the face of the company. Cena = Winner (but my personal choice is Cesaro w/ a future feud vs Bryan and after that Lesnar) MITB Contract- RVD - #420blazeit 100% chance of losing. Kofi will never EVER be WWE WHC Champ, you can forget about him. Rollins and Ambrose are going to screw each other. That leaves Ziggler, Barrett and Swagger. Ziggler was probably the best Mr. MITB and his cash-in was the best cash-in in WWE history. (THAT POP THOUGH), WWE could try and recreate that, but I doubt that. Swagger's career is going nowhere with Colter. Seriously. His Mr. MITB run was useless for me. I dout he'll win. Barrett is extremely good right now and they should keep that like that by giving him his well-deserved Mr. MITB run. Even if he's IC Champ, he should win (but my personal choice is Ziggler who really deserves another push.) Edited June 24, 2014 by FueledByRamen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 (edited) Cena is clearly winning is just too obvious at this point. Reigns is feuding Authority and how would that work with Lesnar coming back for the title. Throw in Bryan coming back and it just makes way more sense to give it to a transitional champ before a heel (Lesnar) takes it off him at Summerslam. Summerslam will probably include: Cena vs Lesnar Orton vs Reigns Rollins vs Ambrose I actually could see Rollins (or Ambrose) win the briefcase and then feud with each other over the briefcase itself. Edited June 24, 2014 by Advantage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
8Ovechkin8 262 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Wwe would be smart to have ambrose win as he's the only shield member with no prominent future role in the company and is high risk of becoming a waste if nothing is done with him soon. Ambrose win, him and rollins feud for weeks, then ambrose get his push, rollins will already be established to an extent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Advantage 2,962 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Thoughts on RAW tonight: - Opening segment was so meh. Every week it is fucking Stephanie or HHH opening up with talking. It is a fucking wrestling least change some shit up once in a while. Never thought I would hear Vickie get a pop for the "Excuse Me!" - Harper vs Jimmy Uso...short as hell. Surprisingly short. Hard to really judge how good this was but I like the Uso's and I like Harper and even Rowan to a degree. With that being said, it really feels like this "feud" is irrelevant. Awful build. It is like the tag team belts don't matter anymore. Remember the days of the Hardy's, Dudley's, Edge and Christian...even going farther back to the Steiner's, Hart Foundation, etc. The tag team division is irrelevant and it is quite disappointing. - Rowan vs Jey Uso..same as above. - Naomi vs Alicia Fox..whatever. Didn't care about the match. Commentary....please never let Cameron near a mic again. What a train wreck. Speaking of things that don't matter. The women's divison is another. - Bo Dallas is amazing. 'Nuff said. That was some of his best work in a while tonight and I was thoroughly entertained. - Rollins and RVD was a very solid match. Some of the best RVD has looked in a while. Rollins' ring gear will grow on me. RVD's DDT was fantastic. RVD also made the Blackout look incredible. Sold it like a fucking champ. - Ambrose is the shit. Awesome. Everything about him is working right now. - Rollins really bought into that segment with HHH. That character is starting to grow. - Tough seeing where Ziggler is but he is still performing of course. Good match with BNB. Not a huge Barrett fan when it pertains to in the ring, but when with a good worker, the matches are usually pretty good. Some good near falls and Ziggler sold the stupid bullhammer well. - The feels when I heard Eddie's music...really nice to hear it. It was certainly something different and it is nice to see Vickie sort of go out on top. Great moment when she did the shimmy to Eddie's music and pointed up to Eddie. She is annoying and all that, but man...I miss the hell out of that man and I gotta respect her for how she has dealt with all of it. - Who gives a fuck about Swagger and Kingston? - Sandow is a champ for doing what he is doing. Hate that he is stuck where he is but he puts everything into it. Him being Abraham Lincoln was gold (not as good as Lebron tho). Big E...meh...and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT PROMO?!!! GO USA HAAAAAAAAAAA WE WILL COME ON TOP HAAAAAAAA Dear God. Is he Reverand Langston now? - I want to bone Lana. - Who gives a fuck about the Main Event...I already saw it on Smackdown. Cena sucks. Kane sucks. Del Rio sucks. Reigns could eventually be really solid. Sheamus is okay. Wyatt is the man. Cesaro is a beast. As for match ratings: Harper vs Jimmy Uso -> 1.25/5 Rowan vs Jey Uso -> 1.25/5 Naomi vs Alicia Fox -> 1/5 Bo Dallas vs Titus O'Neil -> 1.25/5 Rollins vs RVD -> 3/5 Barrett vs Ziggler -> 3.25/5 Swagger vs Kingston -> 1.25/5 Big E vs Sandow -> 1/5 Reigns, Sheamus, Cena vs Wyatt, Cesaro, Orton, ADR -> 2.25/5 Really shitty night for wrestling other than the two matches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AwfulHomesick 148 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 I was there when Ziggler cashed, how the mighty fall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seth 92 Posted June 24, 2014 Share Posted June 24, 2014 Even if Cena wins, I truly believe he will simply be a transitional champion for either Bryan/Lesnar. I do not believe we can discount Ambrose/Rollins for the briefcase, in fact, I am willing to wager one of the two wins. Ambrose might be the best thing currently going in the WWE. Bo Dallas will never amount to anything with his current gimmick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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