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Someone talked to me


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I was shopping this morning in my favorite shop here in Quebec and just minding my own business. When I was done shopping, I walked outside of the store, but then a wild person approached me and asked if I knew what you can buy with just one dollar? I quickly realized that the person was one of those charity sales people who try to make you donate money for a good cause. I should have just walked past him, but like the nice guy I am, I actually answered that you can buy milk, bananas, bread etc with one dollar.


The crazy person then started this fairly long speech where he educated me on the fact that with just one dollar, a kid somewhere in the world can go to school for one day. With a 30 dollar monthly donation, that same kid can go to school for the whole month. Sounded pretty good, but then he asked me to fill in my information, name,address, email etc. At that point I just said to him I would much rather do it on my own at home and walked off.


Can you believe the stones some of these people have? Aggressively jumping in front of you and trying to guilt trip you into giving them money? Rude.


I of course did not donate anything at home either. 




Edited by jRuutu
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13 hours ago, eaglesfan036 said:

You can buy milk or bread for just a dollar? That's news to me


4 hours ago, Banackock said:

Bread cheapest is like 3.50 for decent shit. Milks like 4-5 lol

I lied, it happened in Finland with euros :( But with 1 euro you can buy a lot of stuff here.



3 minutes ago, gorlab said:

i always ask for a jibber if someone I don't know wants me to give them money.

He was quite rude, so I did not want one :(  But need to keep that in mind!

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