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No More First Round Byes?


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Just putting this up for discussion because I'm interested in hearing peoples thoughts... Do you think (like me) that we should try to find a way to get rid of first round byes? Obviously this is not gonna be too easy since we only have five teams per conference and right now it seems like three teams making the playoffs per conference is the ideal number. But to me it feels like giving a first round bye to 2 of the 6 teams making the Playoffs makes the postseason less interesting. There are less games to talk about and it eliminates the chance of a big exciting upset by a team who is the heavy underdog compared to the team who finished first in its conference in the regular season. On top of that the route to the cup is almost too easy for the team that finishes first in its conference, as they only need to win to rounds to make it - but their players might end up having a less exciting post-season than those on weaker teams because the have less games in the playoffs. This is not an ideal situation in my opinion. But what could we do to change that up?


Obviously one way to address this would be to let one more team make the playoffs per conference. This would actually bring quite some advantages. It would give us another exciting first-round match-up with a small chance of seeing the beginning on an amazing cinderella story, while not putting the first place team in a worse spot compared to the current system, since they are still very likely to win - and if they don't, then they don't deserve it either. More players would be more directly involved in the Playoffs and overall I could see this promoting activity in the playoffs.

But of course there is a pretty big downside to this solution as well: It would mean that 80% of the teams in this league make the playoffs, which seems to be way too much. Four out of five teams per conference making the postseason would basically eliminate exciting races for a playoff-spot (since there are always at least one or two teams who are rebuilding), the regular season would pretty much only exist to determine the match-ups, but not who actually makes the postseason. It could lead to teams being less inclined to tank, since you can even make the playoffs with a weak team and can hope to start a run there, but overall I think it still wouldn't work to have that many teams make the playoffs.


But that leads me back to the original question: What else could we do to get rid of first round byes? Is there any other way than increasing the number of teams making the playoffs, like a wildcard-system, inter-conferference match-ups etc? Or do those byes don't actually bother you? I know that they really aren't a big problem or anything like that, but I still think that the league would benefit from getting read of them. So how do you think that could be accomplished?

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maybe have the top team and the third place team in each conference duke it out, then have the two second place teams in opposing conferences face off?


but then that leaves 3 teams in the next round, not sure how to solve that

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There right now is 60% of the teams qualifying for the postseason. In most leagues 60% is normal. You increase that to 80% and there is no fight for playoffs down the stretch.

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There would be no playoff races if you add another team to the playoffs 


There right now is 60% of the teams qualifying for the postseason. In most leagues 60% is normal. You increase that to 80% and there is no fight for playoffs down the stretch.


I know, that's why I said just that in the OP ;).Just like you I think that adding another team to the playoffs wouldn't work. But what could we do instead?


maybe have the top team and the third place team in each conference duke it out, then have the two second place teams in opposing conferences face off?


but then that leaves 3 teams in the next round, not sure how to solve that


Yeah I was thinking about something like that as well, but as you said it would leave us with an odd number of teams... Hm...

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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Yeah and what is the reward for finishing first in the conference? We actually awarded teams a trophy for that in the old format, but since we moved that got switched to the team who makes the finals, and the team who finishes first is awarded the bye. If four teams from each conference made it real competing teams would just get lazy and not worry about anything. Who cares what lines they set? They aren't going to make last so they are in. 

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maybe have the top team and the third place team in each conference duke it out, then have the two second place teams in opposing conferences face off?


but then that leaves 3 teams in the next round, not sure how to solve that

You can't.  The sim doesn't allow for any kind of creative shenanigans.  I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of a bye round, but it's either 8/10 playoff teams (an idea with way more flaws than intrigue), 6/10 playoff teams (which at least makes competing for league/conference lead worthwhile), or 4/10 playoffs teams and two rounds (gets rid of the bye, maybe adds playoff race intrigue and addresses some of the things in this article, but shit.  40% of the teams in playoffs.  That's cold man.  Also kills Cinderella stories even deader.)


Going off STHS capability alone, I'd say the most logical approach is how we've been doing it.


Now, if we added 1-2 dozen hard, active, reliable members... Maybe we expand again, and THEN put 8 in the playoffs.  But I'm not projecting that until at least S60 :P.

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