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Possible New Sim System


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I was messing around with Franchise Hockey Manager 4 after the issue of the sim mechanics came up during the insane thread that was the MVP thread.


I've made some good head way.


First, the good:


Easily customizable league, I actually set up the league so that it had all the teams in their respective cities and such.


Easily edited players.


More up to date sim engine.


Ability to expand and contract league in game.


Custom draft classes.


In dept strategy and organization set up.



Now the bad:

On first attempt, could not get teams with lower than 20 players on active roster.


Could not have 1 player on multiple lines to fill out full roster.


Could not start game with fewer than 20 players on roster.


Different skill layout which would change how players are built.


Would require insane amount of editing to get ready for league.


No option for 5 team playoff in 8 team format.




I took some picture but they're apparently too large to include here =(


I've only just begun looking in to this and only spent about an hour and half messing around with it so far, but I'm interested to see if anyone else has any experience with this program and what the general consensus is as far as other sim engine options.




Spade :veg:

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I have the game. It could work if you created a custom league and just exported all the data out after each game, but it'd be a lot of work. Especially if youre looking at player pages, player stats and stuff like that included in the client file.

Edited by tfong
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