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S.nubbed Players Hall of Fame - Preview


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We are close to finish all these HoF articles, good job everybody. Meanwhile, there are a lot of players who were close (or not that close) to be inducted there, but HoF'ers were a little bit better than others. So I've decided to make a series of articles about these players, because why not. The name of my hall of fame will be: S.nubbed Players Hall of Fame (SPHoF). Maybe they aren't S.nubbed out of HoF, but VHL'ers aren't paying enough attention to them either. 


This idea came from SBA - they have a different HoF system. The best of the best are being inducted into Level 5, players who were just a little bit worse than L5 players are in Level 4 and so on. And there is also a Ground 2 thing - notable players who still weren't HoF caliber would be inducted in this section as they still had some impact on the league. I'll do something similar here, but it's gonna be three levels:


Tier 1 [T1] - players who excelled at particular skill (hits, shot blocks) or just were a decent bottom 6 forward or a second pair defenceman;

Tier 2 [T2] - solid players who aren't that close to an actual HoF, but still had a real impact during their peak years;

Tier 3 [T3] - superstars of SPHoF. They usualy are close to an actual HoF, but they lacked something for that (awards, or a particular stat) to be inducted there. 


That's gonna be a long ass shit cause I already have 100 players and I probably will need to create a second player to make this thing faster. But at least I won't have to cry about the lack of ideas anymore. And I hope I won't be lazy during that time. By the way, the order of players is randomized. Brought to you by random.org. 


That's it and I'm out.


2 TPE goes to Krīgars. 

Edited by hedgehog337
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