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LW - Ryan Skinner (YUK)


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This is what I mentioned in your creation thread. I'll offer $1m to join Ottawa. We're looking at being a contending team (Saskatoon are probably the prohibitive favorite early on, but once my guys develop we should be up there) and I did just pick up a lot of guys in the draft, so you'd start off on my 3rd line, but you'd be able to move up fairly quickly. A lot of the draftee guys are just as new and if you're more active than they are, there are spots to be won on the 2nd and possibly even the 1st.


Some of the teams that are set to be a little lower in the standings might be able to offer you $2m (the maximum deal for a VHLM guy prior to the VHL), or a bigger role immediately. It's all up to what you prefer in a team. There are 5 teams, Ottawa, Saskatoon, Yukon, Oslo, and Vegas in the VHLM.

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Welcome to the league @rampagemaster. Hopefully this thread makes you feel like the bell of the ball. 


Yukon is looking to retool after a Founders Cup win last season. We offer you a 1 year 1 million dollar contract and a top six forward position if you stay active. 


Good luck no matter where you end up!

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