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The Riga Reign's future


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*I don't recall, but this probably was my first avatar here*


We entered into S60 with 4 contender teams. Other 2-3 are ''fighting'' for the fifth place and chance to lose to a fourth team. The Riga Reign team is one of them. This team had it's peak in S56-58 with three Victory Cups and two Continental Cups along with couple of personal awards, but all good things are always coming to and end. This is definitely the last season Riga has at least some chances for continuing the playoff streak (Riga is the leader on playoff appearances so far with 37). The real rebuild starts next season and I obviously need a plan to not make it too long. So there are some questions about my plans:


1. Will I create a GM player goalie?


A lot of GM's were creating goalies lately as this was a safe option to not rely on other member and this position is very important in any sim league. Do I need to do this as well? Kinda hard question, to be honest. This draft actually has some of promising goalies and I'll likely make a decision on the trade deadline. Let's see the S61 goalie draftees:


Roger Sterling - @Will

Arvid Aamo - @Daniel

Brody Neufeld - @Broalie34

Greg Santos - @Barracuda

Leather Flasher - @Aiden G

Michael Burwaza - @Burzawa

Pricey Care - @YayIWin


This draft has a whopping 7 goalies! However, we need to take into account the later three are already inactive. So that brings us to four other goalies.


*Greg Santos - joined before this YouTube recruiting campaign, currently a Yukon Rush player. Seems like a welfare player. Not the most active, but thanks for still hanging with us.

*Brody Neufeld - from YouTube. Still a 30 TPE player although he has some things to claim, like rookie profile and press conference answers.

*Arvid Aamo - yet another Daniel's attempt to come back. His two or three previous recreates failed. However, his most successful player is a goalie so we can't write him out.

*Roger Sterling - Draper's goalie. A commish. A safe pick at this moment, but he may be drafted by Toronto as Dollar isn't happy with his own goalie.


My verdict: not sure. May try to not create a goalie if all four aforementioned goalies are staying active.



2. Will I create a second player?


I have two S62 first round picks so there is a possibility I could make a second one to draft him to Riga. It's not like I'm against being drafted by other team, but I need to grab as much young players as possible for rebuilding purposes.



3. Will I even rebuild?


Yes. There is no reason to not go for it without my GM player playing in Riga. It makes perfect sense for a fresh start with my player(s) being a S62 draftee.



These were some of my thoughts about the Reign's future. I had a fun with winning a lot of things, but it's time to start for the scratch (ok, it will be following this season) and see if I could make the same powerhouse once again.



That's it and I'm out.


6 TPE goes to Krīgars

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I didn't make a goalie with my GM player. I don't know, after pouring so much TPE into Ironside and have him just shit the bed in the playoffs while a 500-600 TPE goalie does amazing, it just was uninspiring. I'll look to draft someone in that position or obtain through trade.


Maybe, MAYBE Ironside's recreate will be a goalie, and I'll try to draft him like I did with Ironside to Toronto. We'll see.

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