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Ryuu Crimson excited for a new opportunity

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Ryuu Crimson excited for an opportunity

CALGARY-Recently, the Saskatoon Wild reached out to Ryuu Crimson and other players to join. "They gave me a million dollar contract, and top line." The Left-Winger said, explaining why he chose them. "Sure, there could be better teams but they promised something I haven't had in a long time, more playing time."


            The Left-Winger has a history with the city of Saskatoon, living there for a couple of years before moving back to Calgary due to family emergancies. "The City of Saskatoon is a great place. The people there are very encouraging and friendly, and now that I'm going back, I'm excited to see how it's changed, and to see my friends again." 


            Tomorrow, he will take the six hour drive to Saskatoon. He had recently bought a house there, and is looking forward to reunite with his friends and former teammates. "I actually played here in Saskatoon but for a small high school league, and some of my friends have been drafted in the Victory Hockey League way before me. I also can't wait to see the new members of my old team and see how much they've grown."


             His former coach, when asked about his reaction replied, "I'm proud of good ol' number 18, he worked hard and deserves to celebrate. As soon as he gets to Saskatoon, the whole team is gonna party, but I'll make sure this time he doesn't eat those darn eggrolls."


           When the Calgary Sun asked Ryuu what he was looking forward to, he shrugged and simply said, "I'm not looking to win Championships or looking for titles, money or just plain fame, I'm simply excited to be with this organization and excited about the great opportunity." He was also asked about going against Calgary, which he replied, "Well, I've been cheering for Calgary all my life, and even when I was in Saskatoon, I cheered for all things Calgary, so it's gonna be weird seeing their jerseys during the games, and I really hope I don't accidentally join them and score an own goal.


             We asked him what he thought he was gonna bring to the table, and he shrugged and answered, "I really don't know, I'm not great, but I'm just gonna try my best and see what happens."

    Ryuu Crimson only played 120 minutes which is only 4 games. That was all last season with the Junior League in Calgary. His goal was to get onto a team that would give him more ice time. Thankfully, he didn't have to look very far. 3 weeks after the season ended he was told that he might be able to join a team in the Victory Hockey League. 4 days after the news, the Saskatoon Wild invitated him. He and center Dylan Nguyen (In Vietnamese ng is pronounced like a m) were drafted as part of the teams rebuilding phase. Ryuu said, "I am glad that both of us got in, I hope we get to know each other and hopefully become linemates."


 After a few more interviews, Ryuu Crimson wrapped it up saying, "Here is some advice to other players being drafted into teams, just try your best, listen to your coach and veteran players, and when your celebrating just please, please stay away from the eggrolls."


(don't know if this is how you submit or post an article but ok)

Edited by SlapshotDragon
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Did the article right. Next up is like Beavis said link to your portal account. Link your player(i dont know if Higgens has inputted him yet). Then add the TPE to your build. As i said in the LR dont be afraid to ask questions!

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19 minutes ago, SlapshotDragon said:

Oh btw this is supposed to be media spot so idk, do I need to repost or is it fine?





Its a tad short 27 words for a full media piece. Just add some filler if you can.


@Will @Beaviss @Beketov @Higgins


Can you guys or someone with thr ability to move threads move this to media thanks!!

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