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Claimed:The Awful Podcast #3 - A Supercast Draft Edition (With Seth)

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Good show boys. Seth's rant about the Islanders made me chuckle, you guys were pretty professional and to the point otherwise though. Good luck in your future teams and hopefully the two of you have a blast as rival goalies an stick it out to be franchise players. 

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Awesome stuff man, keep it up! Thanks for the shoutout btw. :wub:

And dang man, I thought it takes a long time to finish a podcast but considering that you did this after Stevo made the post about the possibility of him staying, that's quick!

Edited by Runny Nose
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The thing that makes a lot of people overlook Boychuk, and coincidentally the thing that makes me notice him, is he tends to be on the site later at night than the peak times. For example, it's 3:45 AM right now (eastern time, anyway) and he is online, has been since about 1. I'm a rather nocturnal GM, and Boychuk seems to be a rather nocturnal member. As long as he comes on and does his TPE tasks, which he has been doing, then he's just as valid as a member who comes on at more peak times, such as 9-11 PM eastern. He's a good fit for Calgary as my time frame seems to fit with his.

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Yeah i think Boychuk was a good pick as well, I had him right there in the 8-10 range on my list and that is where he ended up going. His Media Spots are always good and even if he isn't the most chatty member, he came over as a really friendly guy in the talks I had with him, so I think Calgary got themselves a good player there :)


I'm about halfway through the episode now, good work so far guys!

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Awesome stuff man, keep it up! Thanks for the shoutout btw. :wub:

And dang man, I thought it takes a long time to finish a podcast but considering that you did this after Stevo made the post about the possibility of him staying, that's quick!

Haha yeah it took me about 30 minutes to edit everything. I tend to post my podcasts immediately afterwards because I don't want to post it right after some newsworthy happens and we didn't cover it.
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Awesome stuff man, keep it up! Thanks for the shoutout btw. :wub:

And dang man, I thought it takes a long time to finish a podcast but considering that you did this after Stevo made the post about the possibility of him staying, that's quick!

Haha yeah it took me about 30 minutes to edit everything. I tend to post my podcasts immediately afterwards because I don't want to post it right after some newsworthy happens and we didn't cover it.
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Context: 3/3 - The Olynick/Salo comparison will be an interesting one to follow. Two years ago for Seth joining sounds about right, since I joined in S27 and you were here a little before me. No knowledge of the SHL? Keep it that way :P . Agree with you about being super active in both of them Seth. I've tried joining the SHL twice, and just can't stay interested. You're not really complaining about getting your 1st round pick back, right? I don't think I'd call Kovy a selfish player anymore. When he was with the Thrashers, sure, but his game changed when he moved to NJ. I would have put KJA slightly ahead of Linholm when he had his grading job, but after giving it up, I'd put them on equal footing. Gow = Cow with a G, not "go". Jason noted in his media spot(or graphics topic?) that travhave is active, it's just that he's usually on late at night. Hard to call Quebec, Davos, and Toronto losers when Quebec and Davos have recently won a cup and Toronto is argued to have the best roster on paper this season. Fever went to Toronto, Ethan Osbourne went to Seattle. Munk is Munk. Love you Munk, but not sure I'd ever call him active. It's about 20 TPE from the achievement tracker and 10 TPE from the practice facility.


Professionalism: 2/2 - Good.


Editing: 1/1 - Yes.


Overall: 6/6

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Loved it. Very professional and the talk was on topic! Well done boys


Also thank you Seth! You are the first person to report back to me about that old old site PM's working! Good to know it reaches people. I have a feeling another guy got the link from that as well. It was the biggest shot in the dark when I put those out because it was such an outdated site.

Edited by Kendrick
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