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This Offseason is Super Lame - And It Shouldn't Be


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"If it ain't broke let's break it" - @Beketov and @Quik


After hacking into the CIA headquarters, I discovered that this year's VHL draft is being held right now in secret over the span of a few days, rather than a big live event like we have done every time since the dawn of history. The results of this supposedly "secret" draft have been leaked, but don't worry, I won't make this offseason any  more lame by sharing the results with the press. The offseason is supposed to follow a pattern of litness, starting with the initial trades, followed by free agency, followed by the draft (or swap draft and fa idc). The point is, there should be 3 lit periods of activity from that stuff. Instead, the "draft" and free agency are both pushed towards the end of the offseason, with the draft no longer being a live event that's fun to watch. Part of the fun of the draft was seeing GMs trade up or down under a time crunch, or make a last second decision on a player, with live threads following. Free agency is going to be right up against the preseason, so a lot of the preseason fun is just going to be lost in the start of the season, which is a shame because there are some really good FAs this year.


PS - Beketov and Quik it's not like we don't appreciate all the work you put in being blue team, I just think this needs to be fixed for next offseason. K Thnx bai

Edited by eaglesfan036
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VHLM was behind closed doors too, since we had to do it that way (teams not being added to the portal yet), and none of it was leaked prior to Bana announcing the picks in the forum. How hard can it be for people to... not talk about it? 

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Guess it didn’t take long for my concerns about the draft leaking to come to fruition. Hopefully the rest we have planned is worth it. Doing it this way did push things down a lot and there was a lot of discussion whether or not that would be worth it, we’ll see how it turns out. If it’s horrible we’ll go back to the old way, it’s just 1 season right now.


Also the WC should be starting soon so that’ll help and awards should be up tomorrow.

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Yeah, there’s still going to be a draft presentation. The draft has gone smoothly for GMs, where it was difficult to pin down a time for everyone to get together, with 10 time zones separating everyone. Given everyone’s schedules, the draft (and therefore FA) would be delayed until at least Saturday, meaning an even longer wait for things to happen. 


We also still have some special stuff planned. Part of the off-season length this season is that there were 3 teams added between the two leagues, and there’s a lot of work going on in the background. I have a feeling I know how you got your info, which is kind of shitty because I believe none of the VHL GMs have leaked anything (minus a small slip up that I know about, but wouldn’t have caused anything major).


Either way, whether you do or do not have info, let’s just wait until the draft is presented before getting the pitchforks out.

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11 minutes ago, Quik said:

Yeah, there’s still going to be a draft presentation. The draft has gone smoothly for GMs, where it was difficult to pin down a time for everyone to get together, with 10 time zones separating everyone. Given everyone’s schedules, the draft (and therefore FA) would be delayed until at least Saturday, meaning an even longer wait for things to happen. 


We also still have some special stuff planned. Part of the off-season length this season is that there were 3 teams added between the two leagues, and there’s a lot of work going on in the background. I have a feeling I know how you got your info, which is kind of shitty because I believe none of the VHL GMs have leaked anything (minus a small slip up that I know about, but wouldn’t have caused anything major).


Either way, whether you do or do not have info, let’s just wait until the draft is presented before getting the pitchforks out.


i didn't think about the timezones, that is a fair point

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