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Bert Meyers Rookie Profile [1/2]


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Bert Meyers


Position: Left Wing

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 175lbs

Shoots: Right

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin




Passing - Bert Meyers is a pass-first shoot-second left winger from the time he's been able to skate. This is that one skill that sets him a notch above the rest and catches peoples attention. He has eagle-like vision on the ice that allows him to feed his teammates night after night. He has the ability to predict players movements before they happen that allows him to get the puck through even the narrowest of windows and always put the puck on some lucky recipients tape. If his knack for passing and assists can translate to the next level, his teammates are in for a treat and a nice boost in their own goal scoring.

Defense - From the start of his career Bert has had coaches around him that have preached and stressed the importance of defense and being able to play both ends of the ice. If you can shutdown the other team you don't have to find the back of the net as often, which is good since Bert has never been much of a scoring threat. Bert's long reach from his abnormally long wingspan gives him the ability to poke check from deceiving distances to catch the opposition off guard and keep stress of his net-minder. Again Bert's ability to predict player's movement keeps him a skate ahead of the rest and allows him to get in the passing lanes.

Endurance - Having a mother who had success as a collegiate runner, Bert was a distance runner in high school. This history of distance running and his dedication on and off the ice has given him the lungs and legs to grind through even the longest shifts and enables him to help tremendously down the stretch when other players start to feel gassed. This is the main reason Bert is no stranger to come from behind victories and attributes to his amass of game-winning points.



Physicality - This has never been a strong suit of Bert and given his somewhat monkey-like frame he lacks the physical aspect of play that most players bring to the rink. He certainly isn't moving players out there on the ice and has been seen from time to time scooping himself off the ice or peeling himself off the glass. Hopefully with some time in the weight room and some focus he can narrow the gap.

Speed - Even though Bert never seems to run out of steam he isn't leaving anyone in hisdust. His long distance running background brings little in terms of acceleration and top speed. Though he may not have the edge on players in the beginning of the game, his speed doesn't seem to fall off as fatigue sets in and his endurance allows him to match opponents speed late in the 3rd or OT when it matters most. Hopefully when Bert finds the weight room and begins to increase his strength that translates to a little more speed on the ice to help him create space and open up more passing lanes.

Communication - Bert isn't your speech giving locker room presence. He is very much a lead-by-example kind of guy. He is the type to encourage and rally the troops individually through small conversations but will rarely if ever take the lead and direct the troops into battle. This has been a glaring weakness of Bert's and hopefully he can find a place to play with a group of guys that can get him out of his shell and bring out the sleeping "Captain" that we know is hidden down deep inside of him.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Review: Would have enjoyed a small snippet before the strengths and weaknesses to set the mood as to what to expect. I did enjoy some of the backgrounds you were able to put into this with tidbits about his coaches and even his mother that gives life to Bert. All in all strong Rookie whom I look forward to seeing grow in the league.

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