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Nixon Weighs in with Season In Sight [2/2]


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Tonight we sat down with a familiar face, as we are checking in with Vancouver Wolves Goaltender Joe Nixon.


Were you drafted higher than you expected or lower? How do you think the draft went?

"Higher, absolutely! I was thinking maybe I'd be a pick from Moscow or I'd drop a little low as a real backup for a team that wasn't really looking for one actively, but I was so happy to be picked up higher than I expected! I'm absolutely loving the atmosphere of Vancouver and this team is awesome to work with. My draft position shows that the front office believes in me and that's what matters to me most. I'm gonna go into this great city and give it what I got to help this team win a cup in my time here!"


What are your expectations this season?

"As a team? Honestly I'm not quite sure. I don't think I've been around the team enough quite yet, but from the time I've spent with them this looks like an amazing team that's capable of winning games and being competitive night in and night out. I just have that feeling. We've been playing well, getting along well, we haven't had any issues, I'm just excited to get on the ice with them. As for my personal expectations, I'm just trying to play to the best of my ability. I'm gonna do my best to try to reproduce my production that I had in the VHLM playoffs when we won the cup and maybe try to channel that inner beast that had come out then and during the WJC during our Bronze Medal run."


What is your role within the organization this season?

"Backup goalie, and that's just the hard truth. The team has Iseult, who I'll be playing behind for a while. I have nothing wrong with that, Tristan's a great goalie and a great guy, I'm gonna enjoy having him as a role model to look up to as I try to continue my career as a goaltender in this league. I really look forward to working with him to up my game and make myself better as a goalie."


Any words of advice to the new Aces?

"Have fun with it, seriously, that VHLM season I played with Vegas was unbelievably magical. I won't have that same experience again, even though I'd love to. Being able to make it all the way and have fun with a bunch of other guys who have just as little experience as I do, it's really cool. I made some great friends on that team and I'll never forget all the experiences I had with them! Seriously, my advice is to just enjoy it as much as you can while you're there."


Are you excited for the season to start?

"A little excited, a little nervous. A combination of both, really. The VHL is scary, because I'm not sure I'm really ready for it yet as a player, but it's been my dream to play in this league, so I'll probably have to go more with excited. I'm ready to step onto the ice in the Wolves' uniform. I know what it means to be in this league and I won't take any of it for granted"


Huge thanks to Joe Nixon for sitting down with us tonight and catching up! We wish him good luck in the upcoming season and hope to see him on the ice soon!

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Very good write up. Vancouver is going to be really good this year, and last years Aces were godly, if I do say so myself. You seem very humble, and sometimes you have to have an edge to just roast fools to get a name for yourself. It also felt like I was listening to a real interview while reading this. Great job

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Nixon Weighs in with Season In Sight [1/2]
  • 3 weeks later...

Review: Great article, very well written. I have always been a fan of player interviews as it gives a interesting insight to the players thoughts & feelings. I like how the questions were Bold and the answers were regular font, it made it flow nicely. 


Nice work!

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Nixon Weighs in with Season In Sight [2/2]

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