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(S68) D - Andrej Petrovic, TPE: 64


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2 minutes ago, Tyler said:

Player Information

Username: Tyler

Player Name: Andrej Petrovic

Recruited From: YouTube

Age: 18

Position: D

Height: 73 in.

Weight: 190 lbs.

Birthplace: Serbia


Player Page




Saskatoon is looking for another active defender for our push into the post season. If you’re interested just quote me and let me know. :)

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Hey there @Tyler

I would like to extend an offer to you to join Minnesota. 

We can offer you first line minutes and first line PK/PP.

As a new GM and a newer member you probably don't know me. But it would be a pleasure to add a long time member to the roster!


If you are interested just quote this and say "accepted" and I can send you a contract offer.




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  • Quik changed the title to (S68) D - Andrej Petrovic, TPE: 64
2 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:

hey Tyler, nice and simple if you want activity and fun, we have a lot of OG's on the team you'd likely know (Fresco, myself, Greg, Phil, etc) and we'd love to have you here on the Marlins! :)


Sounds good sign me up

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Hi @Tyler! I'm GustavMattias, GM of the Mississauga Hounds, but you probably knew that already so I'll skip the introduction. Right now, we're headed toward the playoffs, with a solid team all around. We could use another defenseman to really round us out, though, and that's where you come in. We can get you on our top 4 right away, and you'll likely be a first-line player by the time the playoffs hit. 


You know the deal--quote and accept to join. 


No matter who you sign with, good luck!


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