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Gritty Bakes Cupcakes for Helsinki


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In honor of the easy road Helsinki took to the finals, Gritty decided to bake them some cupcakes. Eating those cupcakes is probably the hardest the Titans have worked over the past two weeks, which is great news for Vancouver, who is battle tested. In the wise words of our lord and savior jacked @Beaviss, Vancouver is like St. Louis in being battle tested and knowing how to win without being pretty. Helsinki is like the Bruins and have likely gone soft from their easy road. Vancouver had to make it through the Indian Express alive in fighting off the Americans and Wranglers, and did so in many thanks to @Will's update, he is the best. 


PS, Gritty can not confirm or deny what he put in those cupcakes that he gave to Helstinky. It could be some of Beavis's left over devil's lettuce, or maybe something like some Todd Packer cupcakes from the office (props to you if you know what scene I am referring to). 

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