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(S68) D - Alyksander Hunter, TPE: 30

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Before I say anything, I'd like you to know that other teams will also offer, so you may want to wait before choosing.


Mexico can offer 2nd pair minutes and special teams time, provided you stay active. We also have an active discord LR


Quote this post and say accepted to join!


Have fun in the league,



Welcome @Jaku


I am the AGM of the San Diego Marlins and we had 0 picks in this draft, meaning...we have a lot of room to fill and we'd like you to join us. We're going to be needing every person we possibly can, and we're offering max minutes to play on San Diego. We'll guarantee that if we can get enough people to join the team, we'll compete, in the meantime, you can pad your stats, showcase your talents and join what will hopefully be an active locker-room.


Quote this and say "I accept" if you want to join San Diego! 

As my AGM MexicanCow said, we have a great spot for you on the team, we'd love to have you in San Diego. The atmosphere is great, the team is super fun and active, you'd certainly get some great playing time which will also really help you improve at a fast pace :) Regardless, enjoy your time in the VHL and I hope to see Hunter become huge no matter your choice!

Welcome @Jaku I hope your time in VHL will be a lot of fun and you will enjoy every bit of it!


Houston Bulls want to offer you a chance to compete in playoffs with us, we can give you a quality 2nd line time + Special Team time and a great LR with many good guys. We are going to do everything we can to compete on the next level this season and we know we are heading to playoffs! 

If you do wish to join us - quote my message and say "Accepted!" 

No matter what team you choose - good luck!

Wow! I'm overwhelmed with all of the positivity here. First of all thank you for all of the offers! All offers were carefully considered and After much deliberation, I accept San Diego's offer! 

  On 7/8/2019 at 5:26 AM, MexicanCow123 said:

Welcome @Jaku


I am the AGM of the San Diego Marlins and we had 0 picks in this draft, meaning...we have a lot of room to fill and we'd like you to join us. We're going to be needing every person we possibly can, and we're offering max minutes to play on San Diego. We'll guarantee that if we can get enough people to join the team, we'll compete, in the meantime, you can pad your stats, showcase your talents and join what will hopefully be an active locker-room.


Quote this and say "I accept" if you want to join San Diego! 




  On 7/8/2019 at 7:48 AM, Jaku said:

Wow! I'm overwhelmed with all of the positivity here. First of all thank you for all of the offers! All offers were carefully considered and After much deliberation, I accept San Diego's offer! 




Welcome to the team! A contract should be on its way soon! 

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