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Sensitivity training


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In this year's training camp over in Riga we have the opportunity to take part in ´Sensitivity training´. I believe the idea to organize something like that came after the recent online discussion between VHL and SBA where both sides and their fans got into a heated argument about what is ok and what is not when it comes down to using certain words. The goal of sensitivity training is to make players and everybody who takes part be more aware of what words they use and what kind of effect they have on other people.


I was not sure at first If I even need sensitivity training, but then when I thought about it a little bit - maybe its something that could not hurt at least? For example, sometimes in the interweb, you see person A using a word that is not ok, could be in a message or chat somewhere, then person B - maybe a random reader -  who comes in and says how that is not ok and talks about how it's offensive, etc. Now, when I see a discussion like that I quite often get a strong urge to go and comment on person B by screaming: shut the F up. Why is that? Why do I feel like that? I never do it, but I still feel like that.


I get that someone has to blow in the whistle and say how it's not ok to use certain words, but what happened to people having thick skins? I´m not saying you need to take all the abuse, lets things slide or that we need to have places where you can say what you want, but still if we look on the SBA vs VHL case where the word gay was used to describe something being bad/negative - how can anyone be truly upset, I don´t get it. How can someone have the ability to take shlong into their backdoor, but feel bad if someone comments on something being gay? Are these people mostly getting offended because that is what they are supposed to do, be offended for someone else?




Its year 2019 - I get it but let's not forget that the internet is not a real world. You should not believe everything you see, do you know why? People lie all the time. What they say or do over in the interweb might not be an accurate reflection on who they are in the real world. You could very well be fighting against something in that moment that has no other truth behind it or in general any truth to it other than the words you see. Do you get that? Nonsense, none of it has any meaning - just words typed by someone who meant nothing with it. You could use that energy to go out and donate your time to some cause instead, but you don´t do it. Much rather fight against bad wordsies in the interweb and that is fine, but something to think about if you truly want to make a difference.


Sensitivity training should start I believe tomorrow, going to go in and hear what it's like. There are supposed to be five meetings and on top of that some assignments that needs to be done at home, so we will see.


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4 hours ago, jRuutu said:

I get it but let's not forget that the internet is not a real world

Oh shit I didn't realize no one on this site was a real person. These internet AI are sure getting fancy.

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