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Eagles makes fan's day [1/2]


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As the Wolves prepare for the upcoming season, they held an open practice so that the Wolves fan’s can come in and watch the team before the season starts. This has always been a good way for fans to come and see the team but also to interact with some of the star players. This event is hosted annually by the team and is always a big hit with the younger fans.

The fans are allowed to watch the full practice and at the end they can meet with some of the stars to get autographs and pictures.

“ We always try to do something for the fans, they are the reason we are here “ Said one of the team’s owners “ Without them, there would be no hockey here in Vancouver. This is just one way for us to pay them back”

One of the biggest highlights came near the end of the practice which involved Greg Eagles and a young fan with his parents. Usually attendees are not allowed to step on the ice but one fan received a huge surprise.

The young hockey fan, decked out in a Greg Eagles jersey, was treated to a double dose of happiness as the youngster got to test out a real NHL goalie mask.

As Greg Eagles was leaving the ice, he noticed the fan with his Jersey and banging on the windows as Eagles was skating by. Eagles invited him out onto the ice (The only fan that got to go on the ice) and offered him to try on one of his unused masks that were on the bench, what was even more surprising is that Eagles signed the mask and let the young fan keep it. This moment was captured on video and has gone viral.


“ I just wanted to make the young fan happy “ Eagles said “ Ticket prices are often pretty high and sometimes many of our younger fans don’t get to come out and watch our games. Its always nice to do something small that has such a huge impact on our fans.”

Eagles also provided the family with 4 tickets to the home opener in the platinum section.

“ It was unbelievable” Lukas, the young fan, said “ I felt like a real goalie on the ice and now I get to keep this mask forever. Eagles is the best!”

“ It was a great gesture, Lukas lives and breathes hockey and has always looked up to Eagles” The parents said “ He watches every game and always wanted to meet his hero. We are thankful that Eagles was able to take some time out of his busy day and make our little boy the happiest kid in the world”

This was a great event and many fans left happy. As the Wolves focus on the season ahead, the only thing that would make any fan happier is if the Wolves manage to win the cup for the 2nd time in 3 years. The Wolves look very strong this season and anything short of a finals appearance will be a disappointment

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