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Claimed:Americans shit the bed


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Another Season lost




Many of the New York Americas headed to Madison Square Garden early this morning to do some personal spring cleaning. For the third season in a row the franchise missed the post-season but this season it stung a bit more for the team an fans alike, as the team was in a playoff position right up until the last game of the season. A 2-1 loss to the Seattle Bears catapulted the Bears in front of the Americans for the final playoff position and the Americans retreated to the locker-room to get ready for on the longest cross country flights the team has ever experienced. A three shot performance in the final period was the final nail in the Americans coffin. We'll look back today at the season that was and what could have been.



Low get's escorted to his personal seat in the penalty box


The Americans started the season on a high note winning nine of their first eleven games, quickly jumping out to a early lead in the North American conference. The season continued to sail along smoothly for the team until game 142 against the lowly Helsinki Titans. What should have been a relatively easy win turned into a huge turning point in the teams season. HEL G stood on his head all night for the Titans turning away 60 out of 61 shots to pick up the win and first star honors, while one power-play goal in six chances on the night tell the tale for the Americans, who couldn't buy a goal against HEL G. The team continued to battle hard after that tough loss to the Titans hoping that loss was just a speed bump in what would be a very successful season, but game 338 say another tragic loss for the Americans. Again the culprit was the Helsinki Titans and HEL G, this time it was a thirty-nine save performance by the Titans goaltender that sunk the Americans. The second loss to Helsinki seemed to be the dagger in the heart of the Americans post-season hopes as at this point in the season Seattle was able to pull ahead of New York. New York and Seattle stayed within a point from each other in the standings from that point forward in the season, which in the end set up the heartbreaking loss to knock New York out of the playoffs.


After the loss to Seattle players and management for the Americans kept quiet when approached by the media, but a few of them took time to talk to us today while signing some autographs before heading home for the off-season.



A dejected Brick Wahl after the last game of the season


“You obviously can't say your pleased with the way the season unfolded. In the biggest game of my career to date I didn't show up and we came up short. As captain of this team it's my job to make sure I lead by example on and off ice and I certainly didn't do that against Seattle. I can sit here in front of you guys and look for excuses elsewhere but it starts with me and I know I have to improve my game for next season,” Conner Low said. The usually soft spoken Low could have been more then pleased with his performance throughout the season but the young defenseman seemed to put the blame squarely on his shoulders.


“Too many times throughout the season I had a stat line of zero, zero, zero, zero. I was voted by my teammates as the captain of this wonderful franchise and I failed to provide that much need leadership down the stretch run. My emotions got the best of me many nights and I ended up taking stupid penalty's that hurt our playoff chances,” Low said.  



Edited by Smarch
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Hey, I was pulling for you guys cause I like to see active teams succeed. I'd argue that NYA's one of the most active teams in the league. Still a solid year and a great year statistically for a ton of Americans. Next year you'll be even stronger.

Edited by Kendrick
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Hey, I was pulling for you guys cause I like to see active teams succeed. I'd argue that NYA's one of the most active teams in the league. Still a solid year and a great year statistically for a ton of Americans. Next year you'll be even stronger.


I forgot how Seattle is inactive

Edited by sball66
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I forgot how Seattle is inactive

Not inactive but aren't as vocal among the boards. You guys also have Greg on your team, I mean that says it all.

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  • Senior Admin

Content: 3/3 

644 words. It has definitely got to be tough for the New York Americans to have been so close to their playoff dreams only to have those dreams stomped on in their very last game. The devastating loss to Helsinki in Game 142 must have really had an impact on the organizations confidence. On the plus side, at least people still want their autographs. 

Grammar: 1.5/2

It's worth mentioning that in addition to what I listed below, I found quite a few areas that could have used a comma to improve readability and sentence structure.


New York Americas = New York Americans


Americans Season lost = Americans Season Lost


team an fans = team and fans


ready for on the longest cross country flights = ready for one of the longest cross country flights


on a high note winning = on a high note, winning


but game 338 say another tragic loss = but game 338 brought another tragic loss


loss to Seattle players and management = loss to Seattle, players and management


Appearance: 1/1

Looks good to me.


Overall: /6

Edited by Draper
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Content: 3/3 - I never really considered the idea that the Americans wouldn't make the playoffs. You guys have a lot of young talented players though, so I'm sure you guys will be playoff contenders for the next few seasons. Also lol at Hel G saving 60 out of 61 shots.


Grammar: 1.5/2 - Draper got all the errors.


Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good.


Overall: 5.5/6


FInal: 6/6

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