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Claimed:Laichly Rift's Pajodcast Episode 81 - dangeR zonE Meets brovY

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Alright cool. I just know when I was planning the content for mine, I didn't feel like 10 minutes or so was truly enough work for a legitimate grade. I wanted to make sure I wasn't far away one way or the others. Thanks!

  • Senior Admin

ill have this graded today. I got on late last night to grade, which is why I did the shorter one by seth and metis. Failed somehow and didn't see Molholts, but I'll get his done asap too. 


  • Senior Admin

Context: 3/3
A great listen, as usual. While I haven't been here long enough to know a ton about how TPE inflation has progressed from past seasons, from the information I've read around the forums it does seem to be getting a bit out of hand. Especially when you end up with people like Tukio who have no room to use their TPE. I had one idea when devise was going on that weird tangent about spending tpe...maybe allow people to use tpe to request a sig from a graphics grader? Then the graders could get have some kind of scale that they get so many tpe for so many sigs made. Just a thought. As for world cup, I think the new changes make a lot of sense. The notion of every major country having their own team is ludicrous, and I think the changes will make the tourny much more competitive.  

Professionalism: 2/2
The majority was very professional.

Editing: 1/1
There was one spot where there was some kind of loud shit. Nothing major though. 

Overall: 6/6 

Edited by Draper
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