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Stop Checking The Rankings


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For whatever reason, every time an update of mine is approved I check the S72 TPE Rankings to see where I stand in the draft. And almost every time I sit in 5th in TPE. There's the odd time that I am above pennypenny by a TPE or two but that's just because I earn at the start of the week and he earns at the end of the week. There's zero chance of catching McWolf, Sonnet or Jubo07, and as far as penny doesn't miss anything, I'm gonna remain 5th. oilmandan donated too, and is closing in on me, but don't think he can pass me. So as it stands, I sit at 5th. So why do I keep checking? Coronavirus? Bored as fuck? Yeah probably those things. Now being ranked 5th in TPE obviously has no say where I will go in the draft. As it stands I'm the top ranked defensemen and I have no idea what needs are in the league, but let's start it early anyways. #dasboot1oa 


Why not? Sure you can take the sure thing in McWolf but where's the fun in that? I read a couple times that first gens are "risky" and whatnot, but take the risk, don't be scared. I'm not going anywhere. See what happens come closer to draft time



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6 hours ago, dasboot said:

Sure you can take the sure thing in McWolf but where's the fun in that?


Nothing sure about it, that plug went inactive for a season and a half with his last player

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