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Welcome back to week three of ELO and the VHLM, a little more has changed this time but not a ton. 

Yukon took on Philadelphia in a big game for both teams, Yukon was given a .34 win percentage for the game and came out on top. Not only on top but handily beating Philly by 6 goals! This caused Yukon to take their second big jump of the season while Philly fell closer to Minnesota.

Speaking of, Minnesota is stuck bouncing around that 1200 mark as they can't seem to get a big win but they are steadily improving and sneaking out 1 goal gmaes.

Las Vegas (@Proto lol), has seemingly hit their peak of 1125 and have begun their decent into the life of being a .500 playing team.

Saskatoon saw a decent jump as they sent Mississauga tumbling to the bottom with Mexico and Saskatoon beat them by 7.

As the playoff race heats up this season seems a lot more balanced but can anyone topple Ottawa before that happens?

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6 minutes ago, Mike said:



This doesn't include Ottawa loss to Yukon 3-2 yesterday does it?

It does actually. One goal games tend to mean very little in movement when it comes to ELO. Though the downward movement is visible on the graph

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