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(S73) LW - Abraham Quick, TPE: 54


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Welcome to the league! You have joined us at such an exciting time, we have just concluded the draft and now you get the change to choose your destiny! Many GM's will come to you and offer you a position on their team, myself included. I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and how would you like to begin your legacy? That's right, we're a rebuilding team at the moment but with a lot of activity and perseverance, we could come out a contender. 


At the end of the day, we're here to have fun and allow you to enjoy the league. Because we are rebuilders, we'll guarantee you maximum playing time and we'll ensure quality time as needed. 


If you want to have fun and play a lot, quote this and accept! We'd be honored to have you. 

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Hey @yaboiaidan14 !


We just had our draft a few days ago which means you won't have the benefit of having as much TPE right out of the gate, but I'm more than confident in your abilities and I think you'll make a great player and member!


So I'm the AGM of the Halifax 21st. We have a very rich history and are sorta known for being contenders year after year, and we plan on doing much of the same this season! The best part is, you can help us in our cup chase on the  1st line! We think you'd make a great winger on our top line this season and put up some huge points.


If you choose to accept our offer just quote this message and let us know you would like to join us! If you decide to pursue a different team, no worries at all! Just know that if you have questions or concerns about anything, don't hesitate to contact me (Shawn#2567) or @Dil (DilIsPickle#6969) on the forums or discord and we'd be happy to help :)


So just let us know if you're ready to #RideTheWave!

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Welcome to the VHL @yaboiaidan14!


I am GM of the Mexico City Kings and I can offer you 3rd line minutes on our squad.


We are a top team this season and could use you for some depth to help us run for the cup!


If this interests you, quote this message and say "acepto ?"


Let me know if you need any help or have any questions :)


- Motza

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Hey there,  @yaboiaidan14! My name is DoktorFunk and I am the General Manager of the Ottawa Lynx! Welcome to the league! We need star players to make a name for themselves in Ottawa, and there is no better time than now. If you’re looking to prove yourself and really put in the work for a chance at glory, this is the team for you! We're making a run for the Cup this year. In return, we can promise you a locker room experience and training tips that are second to none! We have some of the brightest and most talented people in the Victory Hockey League available to you whenever you want.  We could use a star player like you in Ottawa! If you sign with us and let us help you develop, we have an even better chance.



I’m not going to sugarcoat it; you get back what you put in in this league, and, if you’re willing to put in a little time, I promise we can have an amazing amount of fun and excitement together! If you’re interested, please quote this post and say accept!” Whether you decide to sign with us or not, I hope you have the very best of luck in your career, and I look forward to speaking with you very soon!




General Manager of the Ottawa Lynx

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Hey @yaboiaidan14, hope your doing well in these tough times. I’m the AGM of the Yukon Rush, Alex. I’m reaching out to you today to let you know that the Rush are interested in your player! Here’s a bit about me, i’m the AGM of Yukon, I love hockey, and I love to have fun! If you want to join Yukon, we would LOVE to have you! Just quote this saying “Accept!” and I will DM you with how to get into our locker room, gaining TPE, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, or anybody else! Stay Safe! 


-Alex Bridges



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