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Patrik's Picks: Episode 1


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PL: Welcome to the first episode of Patrik's Picks. Today, we have a special guest on the show with us. A Famous VHLM GM who has a lasting legacy on the league and just recently was appointed to league commissioner. Please welcome to the show Sonnet!


Sonnet: ? Hello, happy to be here!


PL: How have things been going for you?


Sonnet: Things have been alright- getting used to a whole new position has been a weird change for sure, but one that I'll hopefully settle into sooner rather than later.


PL: Yeah, your change to league commissioner was very sudden, did you know about it beforehand?

Sonnet: I didn't, no; I just woke up one morning to a DM from Quik asking me if I wanted to step into the role. I had no idea what was going on, or even why the position was open, but I was honored to even be considered for the spot.

PL: With your change to the commissioner role, you also have to step down as the GM of the Houston Bulls. How does it feel to be stepping down in Houston having won awards there and built the team you did this past season?

Sonnet: It's especially frustrating having to step down at the end of this year, because season 73 is a year primed for the return of a competitive Houston roster. Unlike last year, I would have had picks to bring back a lot of the great waiver signings that stuck with me through a difficult tank year. This season, especially, features a great crop of young talent that I hate leaving behind. Hopefully my successor is able to bring the pieces back together and put forth a competitive roster to wipe away the memories of these last two seasons.

PL: When you talk about young players who have the potential to turn into stars, Houston has a couple. You guys signed Patrik Laine off of waivers and he is now projected as the best skater in the VHLM Dispersal Draft. You guys also got James Rose out of a trade. However, with all this star power that Houston has, you guys only have 3 wins on the season even though a lot of the games have been close. What do you think about the future of these young players and how will you help Houston get over the hump with half of the season still in front of us?

Sonnet: I have no doubt that the young stars of our team are going to develop into stars on a league-wide scale, probably sooner rather than later. Laine, specifically, has been everything you could ever want out of a player. He's a prominent voice in the locker room, always expressing where his mind and heart are at- you can really tell that he wants the best for not only himself, but those around him as well. Rose and Knight Gee are two guys that are going to ease the transition into a top level team, they're a blue line pairing that many teams don't have the luxury of staffing. I also think Drew Minott is going to be a future starter for somebody; he hit the ground running as soon as he signed and hasn't looked back. Overall, I feel like all of our stars have the attitude and the grit to cement themselves as top players in the VHLM next year, and maybe even top players in the VHL somewhere down the line.


With half of the season left to go, I'm hoping to keep heads held high and eyes looking forward. It's not going to be an easy 30 games, but what's over the horizon is far brighter than anything we're going to see in the immediate future. There's a lot of hockey left to play and a lot of years left on the careers of these guys- if we can take this one day, one game at a time, I think we'll be okay

PL: With Laine and Minott, they had received offers from other teams. Minott was offered a backup role in Las Vegas and Laine was offered 3rd line minutes on various VHLM clubs including top-seeded teams like Minnesota and Mexico City. Did Laine and Minott every tell you why they decided to sign with Houston?

Sonnet: I don't know that they've ever said it formally, but both of them came in with the mindset that they had something to prove, and Houston was the place that offered them a chance to go out there and do it. Both are competitive and want to win more than anything, but they want to do it on their terms rather than by riding the coattails of a full roster of guys above them. A challenge was presented before them, and they opted not to take the easy way out. It's a difficult thing to commit to, but I think it speaks volumes about their mental fortitude and drive to be successful.


PL: Looking at Houston's roster on paper, the weak spot in the offence is at the Centre position. You guys have solid depth in Crosby and Sterk that can fill in the roster there, but you don't have a true number one Centre. Are you willing to make a move at the deadline to acquire one or will you guys leave the position to the young guns?

Sonnet: Probably not, I don't think spending future assets for current success is a wise move when considering the ramifications down the line. Our goal for the season is to push for playoffs, and even if we achieve that goal, I don't see us making it very far when constantly matched up with the best of the best. In addition to that, I think it cheapens our victory if we open up our wallet to acquire a new forward; this season has been about working hard and making the best out of what we have, and sacrificing our future in order to achieve our goal kind of undermines that mentality.

PL: For the last little bit of our show here, I would like to focus in on the Houston locker room and the upcoming VHLM draft. Usually, when a team loses a lot, the dressing room is very quiet. Having only won 3 times, how is the Houston locker room doing?

Sonnet: Just like last year, I'm surprised that our locker room is a great environment despite the massive losing streaks. Our lack of success has just turned into an inside joke, which is further used as fuel to push us all to improve and change our own fate. The guys are in the right frame of mind for a situation like this, and I couldn't be more proud of them for taking these results in stride.

PL: As you know, your roster has a lot of first-year players as a core of waiver claims nobody wanted is slowly assembling into a machine. Laine is taking strides towards being an elite VHLM forward and is projected to go 1st overall in the VHLM Dispersal Draft. You also have young players like Crosby and Minott who are slowly climbing up the draft board along with the recently signed Jiggly Gumballs. We know you will not be doing the draft, but do you have a plan you will share with the incoming GM on how they can keep that young core intact?

Sonnet: Absolutely! I'm planning to share a scouting report with the next GM, because I know that this core would love to stick around and push for the cup next year. They've more than earned the right to do that, so I'll be sure to pass along a good word and hope that the stars align with the picks they'll have in 73.

PL: We hate to end this interview on a sad note but my last question to you is this: With the sudden news of you being appointed to VHLM Commissioner, it was a very sombre locker room once you informed your organization and players about what was happening. Out of everyone in the Houston locker room, who took this news the hardest?


Sonnet: Riley Knight Gee, I think, was the most disappointed to hear the news. i know he specifically asked to be traded back here from Philly so he could play under me, but things changed in an instant and now he'll only have the rest of this season to see out that wish. I'm going to do my best to make sure a good GM takes my place, though, so hopefully he'll continue to work hard and have fun even after I've left!

PL: Unfortunately, we are out of time. I would like to thank you for coming on the show and for doing this interview with me. I wish you the best of luck for the rest of the season and into your new role in the VHLM. Let's give Sonnet one last round of applause everyone!


Sonnet: I was glad to be a part of it. Thank you for having me!


(552 words, 2909 characters written by @PatrikLaine)


Players Mentioned: @Sonnet @KnightRiley @DreMin15 @Crosby1987 @JigglyGumballs @MattyIce @TenZi

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