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The S73 Rookie Class: On Pace for Greatness

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The Class of S73: The Sky is the Limit



The transition from VHLM player to a rookie in the VHL is quite possibly the hardest transition to make in all of sports. Young players with approximately 250-400 TPE are thrust into a league with players who on average possess 800-1000 TPE, and these aren’t even close to the top TPE that the top players have. For rookies it takes a perfect storm to actually have an impact in their rookie season. They need the top line minutes that only bottom feeder teams can offer but also need great line mates who can elevate them and help to boost some of their stats. It is worth noting that due to the leagues expansion the average TPE in the league has went down as 4 new teams have been added.


 S71-S72: The Bar is Set


Last years VHL rookie class was an oddity to say the least. SS Hornet had the most points among S72 rookies with 47 points, while only two other rookies made it over the 40 point mark (Pengu (43) & Vladimir Shaposhnikov (40).) The prior season showcased a far greater point total among the rookies, lead by Roque Davis who had an amazing rookie total of 69 points as a defender followed by Erik Killinger and Ola Vikingstad who both managed to just get over 50 points. A rookie season is not indicative of a players overall VHL career but the better a rookie can do in the VHL with a low TPE only raises their ceiling as they earn more TPE throughout their career.




S73: On Pace for Greatness


While 12 game669877923_S73Rookies12games.PNG.204d86ab5d89465aa7ae670910a8381c.PNGs may only be a small sample size several rookies have already started to break out of the pack and turn heads, especially in contrast to last years significantly lower rookie totals. As of now Chris Hylands and Mickey Dickson of the Malmo Nighthawks are having an amazing start to their rookie season. They have 14 points and 13 points respectively in the young season putting them on pace for 84 points and 78 points. That is an astronomical total in contrast to the previous rookie leaders with 47 and 69 points. In fact the 3rd rookie in point totals is also on a better pace than the previous 2 rookie leaders.


 The contrast between S72 and S73 rookie is absolutely insane. As of right now each of the players in the top 10 of rookie scoring is on a better pace than SS Hornet’s rookie leading point totals. Even if only half of those players kept up their pace that is still 5 players who are surpassing last years point totals. This is an extremely exciting rookie class, many prominent names and surefire future stars such as the Menace’s Lucas Brandt and Alex Letang and also all of the first round picks of this last draft that are playing in the VHL right now. VHL fans should be excited about this draft class, I am sure that many future stars and even hall of famers will come from this group that has already started up on an amazing pace in only 12 games. These rookies are without a doubt reaping the benefits of the leagues big expansion and being thrust into the limelight on teams that are a lot thinner on depth now. 3 of the top 5 in rookie scoring for this season are on expansion teams and making the most of their opportunity on their young teams. The sky is the limit for the S73 rookie class.


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  • Moderator

Rip Proto pick. So much promise. I also like these early player content posts though. You got a solid content layout going here with the appropriate players mentioned. Some good stats to back up your claims as well. Typically these would be the kind of articles we'd see in the past in the VHL Mag so its nice to see these stats or overall trend type posts.


Good formatting, have some pictures/stats to support your statements and the flow is good.


Solid effort 9/10

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Individual scoring was going to go up for sure as teams went from 8-9 forwards to 6 in most cases. I don't think overall scoring is going to change much, but most players will play more, and it's especially true for the rookies with around 300 TPE, who would have been stuck on a 3rd line playing at most 10 minutes on most teams last season. Now they can almost all play top 6 minutes. Or even top line minutes in the expansion teams and possibly Malmo.

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