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Hylands Dream Team


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I thought this theme week would be a great opportunity to shout out some of my best friends here in the VHL. It's been 6 months already and I can honestly say I've made some great friendships with some equally great individuals, and that's what makes the VHL so much fun in my opinion. I came into this not knowing anything about sim leagues, and didn't really expect much. It took me a little while to get myself familiar with the league and into social groups, but some of my best friends in Mexico City changed the experience into something so much more rewarding than just a sim hockey league. Without further ado, I present my "best friends" dream team.



At center I have to choose my current AGM @rory (Jeffrey Pines). We joined the league at similar times, and quickly became friends in the Mexico City locker room as teammates. Our first year we were terrible, but with the help of Rory and former GM motza, we made the season as fun as we possibly could. We continued to become even closer as friends as time passed, and that eventually turned into playing lots of Warzone together and just tons of the funniest banter between a group of people that I have ever been a part of. Fast forward to now, I'm the GM of the team that I originally joined when I first came to the league, and I have one of my actual best friends as my AGM, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I can honestly say that regardless of what ever happens in the future with the VHL, Rory will be a friend for life, and that's why it was an easy choice to pick him.


Left Wing

My left winger of choice here is the great @FrostBeard(Marshall James Frostbeard). Frosty was one of the first people that really took a chance on me and gave me an opportunity to shine. He drafted me to the Malmo Nighthawks and immediately told me he had big plans for me and made me feel welcome and wanted. He then hired me on to the VSN as a writer, which helped me develop a real love for the league and just helped to further cement myself in the community. I can't say one bad thing about Frosty. He's always in a great mood, he's willing to chat with anybody at any time, and he never has anything bad to say about anybody, just one of the most positive people I have had the pleasure of meeting. I'm looking forward to playing out the rest of my player's career in Malmo and hopefully helping to bring some championships there as well.


Right Wing

At right wing, I'm going with @Quik(Christian Mingle). Even if he isn't a winger I couldn't leave him out. Quik and I haven't known each other very long at all, it was only in the last month or so that we started talking with each other. He was super friendly and welcoming, and it was like we had been friends from before and had just rekindled an old friendship. He's got a great sense of humour, and is constantly making me laugh at his stupid jokes. I have even heard him on voice chat once! I've heard that's a blessing from above so I must be doing something right. All jokes aside, Quik is a great friend and I'm glad to have him on my dream team.



My first choice at defence will be @dylanjj37(Rick Osman). Dylan is probably the most interesting person I have ever met. He is so innocently funny sometimes, but at other times he shows how smart he really is. I honestly cannot tell if he is an expert troll, or genuinely serious at times. Aside from that, he is one of the most friendly people on the site, and I love having him in the Mexico City locker room. He's always up for a chat, and is just a generally positive person with a funny way of seeing things sometimes. He was one of the first people that I became friends with here in the VHL, and he helped make the experience just that much more enjoyable. He also would probably be really mad if I left him off of this list hahaha.


My second choice on defence, I select the one and only @Motzaburger(Micheal Gary Scott). The man who really helped start it all with the VHL for me. I remember seeing the graphic in the offer he made me and being so amazed, I just had to join his team. He helped me get acquainted with the league, and was always there to answer any questions I had. He didn't even get mad at me for not max earning for the first few weeks because I had no idea what I was doing ?. The season went on, and we became great friends along with Rory and we just had a great dynamic going that was truly amazing. He drafted me 1st overall in the dispersal draft and brought back a lot of the old players from last season, along with some amazing new pickups who also became some great friends of mine. Season 72 Mexico City Kings was some of the most fun I have ever had being a part of a team. And for that, I owe a lot of thanks to Motza for creating an awesome place where we could all blossom. He's currently out in the world doing important school things and we all miss him so much, but are eagerly awaiting his return in a few months. Don't leave us hanging!



My final selection, at goalie, and the only retired player, @.sniffuM(A Red Guy). I have to include Muff in this dream team, it wouldn't be complete without him. One of the most talkative and welcoming people I have ever met, and one of the funniest as well. Some of the things he can come up with off the top of his head are truly hysterical and I love having him around. We've both been through the retail workplace meat grinder and for that we have a special bond. Not only that, but we share a lot of similar interests, and he has insane video game knowledge that blows my mind sometimes. Gaming with Muff is always a riot, and he's just a great person that I am glad to call a friend.


1,084 Words



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This article is very detailed but it makes my eyes want to run away because you centered the first paragraph but not the rest of it!!! it would be a 10/10 if you made it all the same but since you neglected the art of beauty you get a 9/10 smh.

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