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Telker's Dream Team


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Gritty- Telker played a total of 3 seasons with Gritty, and although there will be other names on this team with lengthier stays with Telker, Gritty has got to be one of the most important and memorable players for me. When the goodbye's were finally said after S71, it honestly made my eyes water a bit. He was a major part in Moscow lifting the cup in S70. Gritty was always that beast second line center that really helped mentor me into virtually the same role he had in Moscow. I was thankful he stayed for my breakout season, as it may have never happened if it was someone else leading the charge for line 2. 

Vin Calia- Moving from the past to present, Calia earns a well deserved spot on my dream team. This early second round pick reminds me a lot of where Telker was a few years back, and I am essentially taking over the Gritty role, so the tradition continues! Calia has been playing to the wing of Telker this season, where he's on pace for 40 goals+. "It's been great to see him coming up so fast. I think its inevitable that he will overtake the #2 C spot in Moscow next year, damn kids, I can't keep up!". Telker said with a grin. 

Jet Jaguar- He was without a doubt the all-star of the team who kept the heart beating. This is possibly the best player Telker has played with in terms of shear skill and TPE. " I remember when I was a rookie, skating all over the ice as hard as I could trying to get my first few points in the VHL, meanwhile Jet would make a hat trick look way too casual." 


Oscar Lagesson- Telker and Lagesson have spent a total of 5 seasons alongside each other, the second longest amount of time other then Pavlov and Bernard. Lagesson and Telker had their breakout season's in S71, helping push Moscow to the cup final that season. Lagesson has always been a loyal defenseman for Moscow who always puts up very consistent points. Me and Laggy may have been the weaker links on Moscow in S70, but we did win the cup together!

Vladimir Pavlov- The dream team would never be complete for Telker without Pavlov on the list. Like Telker, Pavlov has won not just the Cup in the VHL, but also the Founder's cup way way back in S65. Pavlov is looking to blow out every point total record he's had, even though he's on his last legs, they are still some very strong legs. "Pavlov was and still is an elite defenseman that helps the forwards a ton, especially on the PP. If it weren't for guys like him, Gritty, and Jet to name a few,  who knows where me, Calia, and Laggy end up." said Telker. 


Raymond Bernard- I've really gotta hand it to Bernard as he's had one hell of a tough hill to climb, but he's certainly got plenty of rewards along the way. "I remember my second year wondering how Bernard was gonna handle the pressure in the cup final, I knew he was just coming off of his first full season, but he held his composure well, even with little to nearly nothing for 'solid' backup goalies almost his entire career." said Telker.


Members tagged @VinCal @Mr_Hatter @fever95 @chatfan036 @gorlab @Victor


Edited by Telkster
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