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hmmmm very solid budget rory. The background is very good, no complaints there. The vignette + heavy grain reminds me of a DaaD sig and I dig it. The render is aight, a bit plan and the positioning could be better (top of head to top of sig). The text itself is pretty good, but I'm not a fan of the brush stroke. Just doesn't really fit with the overall vibe of the sig. Also, if that pixelization in the bottom left is purposeful, good job do it more. 


I give this an 8/10

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Review: Good font on the name, it is bold and readable with a good pop to it. The layer under with the blue streak is very nice also. The player choice is great and blends well with the rest of the graphic. The background is also good. Trying to blend the extra detail would add a little more along with the blue streak having less transparency. Overall this graphic is amazing though!


Score: 8.9/10

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